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Proper Case function to handle surnames - Another Take


Proper Case function to handle surnames - Another Take

by  CompuSolve  Posted    (Edited  )
Another take on getting the proper case - this will work for addresses, hyphenated names, full names, etc. This does mulitple iterative calls to a sub function, so not the speediest function in the world but pretty flexible and handles alot of scenarios.

? pcase ("141 e.14 st., john o'brien-kelly-mcsmith way po box 131") 
141 E.14 St., John O'Brien-Kelly-McSmith Way P.O. Box 131

Include the 2 functions below and make the call to the pcase function.

Public Function ProperCase(strIn As Variant, delimIn As String) As Variant

'delim in is a delimiter - anything to the right of the delimiter is capitalized
'the normal call should be with "" as the delimiter

Dim iLen
Dim vArr() As String
Dim strHold As String
Dim loopX As Integer

On Error GoTo properCase_Error

If IsNull(strIn) Then
   ProperCase = Null
   Exit Function
End If

If Trim(strIn) = "" Then
   ProperCase = Trim(strIn)
   Exit Function
End If

If delimIn = "" Then
   strIn = UCase(Left(strIn, 1)) & Mid(strIn, 2)
End If

vArr = Split(strIn, delimIn)

If UBound(vArr) > 0 Then
   For loopX = 1 To UBound(vArr)
      vArr(loopX) = Nz(ProperCase(vArr(loopX), ""), "")
      'vArr(loopX) = Trim(StrConv(vArr(loopX), vbProperCase))
End If

iLen = Len(vArr(0))
'check for MC
If Left(vArr(0), 2) = "MC" Then
   vArr(0) = "Mc" & UCase(Mid(vArr(0), 3, 1)) & Mid(vArr(0), 4)
End If

strHold = ""

If UBound(vArr) > 0 Then
   strHold = vArr(0)
   For loopX = 1 To UBound(vArr)
      strHold = strHold & delimIn & vArr(loopX)
   strHold = vArr(0)
End If

If strHold = "" Then
   ProperCase = Null
   ProperCase = strHold
End If

Exit Function

MsgBox "Unexpected error - " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Error$, vbExclamation, "Entry1 - ProCas"
ProperCase = strIn
Resume properCase_Exit
End Function

Public Function PCase(strIn As Variant) As Variant

On Error GoTo properCaseMain_Error

Dim strHold As Variant

'do an initial strconv - this will capitalize the first letter of each word in the string
'a word is any group of letters seperated by a space
strHold = Trim(StrConv(strIn, vbProperCase))

'remove any duplicate spaces from the string
While InStr(strHold, "  ") > 0
   strHold = Replace(strHold, "  ", " ")

'capitalize the letter after any occurence of '-'
If InStr(1, strHold, "-") > 0 Then
   strHold = ProperCase(strHold, "-")
End If

'capitalize the letter after any occurence of '.'
If InStr(1, strHold, ".") > 0 Then
   strHold = ProperCase(strHold, ".")
End If

'capitalize the letter after any occurence of '''
If InStr(1, strHold, "'") > 0 Then
   strHold = ProperCase(strHold, "'")
End If

'capitalize the letter after any occurence of ' '
'this is done for normal words with the initial strconv, but run this
'to pick up special cases, such as embedded mcdonald - "JIM MCDONALD"
If InStr(1, strHold, " ") > 0 Then
   strHold = ProperCase(strHold, " ")
End If

'any other delimiters that need to be checked can be placed here
'using the format above

'any special replacements can be placed here - they will be done after everything else
strHold = Replace(strHold, "p.o.box", "P.O. Box")
strHold = Replace(strHold, "po box", "P.O. Box")
strHold = Replace(strHold, "p o Box", "P.O. Box")
strHold = Replace(strHold, "post office box", "P.O. Box")

PCase = strHold

Exit Function

MsgBox "Unexpected error - " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Error$, vbExclamation, "Entry1 - ProCasMai"
PCase = strIn
Resume properCaseMain_Exit

End Function
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