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Functions to convert SQL into VBA strings and back

Invoking SQL from VBA

Functions to convert SQL into VBA strings and back

by  ferndoc  Posted    (Edited  )
I used to hate [red]""'""[/red], [red]"Dufo" & varname & "his friends" [/red] and [red]& vbcrlf & _ [/red]continuation constructs with a passion. But now I freely use nested subqueries peppered with variables and generate them on the fly. New drugs, you ask? Nay, sez I! I have paused along the way to slay the beast...

Hence, I offer three related Functions to directly convert SQL derived from Query design mode to vba strings with coded apostrophes, quotes and CRLFs (invisible to vba) and variable substitution. This package should simplify your life and give you more time to spend with the kids (or whatever...)

Brevity was the aim (believe it or not!) beautify with error routines as it pleases you. If this is old news please be kind; I certainly have not recognized any such code in my wanderings.

The functions:
stdStr builds strings without your having to use equal signs, ampersands or continuation characters; has predefined substitutions for quote, apostrophe and vbcrlf. Additional substitutions let you painlessly slip variable values into SQL. Use convertSQLToStdStr output as a model for invoking. [red]And stop the madness![/red]

ssArrays sets up twin arrays (sorry I didn't think to multi dimension) in advance of invoking stdStr. Strings in first array will be replaced by strings in second during stdStr string construction. This allows you to insert a token into the SQL string and have it replaced with a variable value within the SSQL string. Invoke:
[blue]ssArrays "",""[/blue] 'reset
[blue]ssArrays "@tblName", strTablename[/blue] 'reps token with variable value
[blue]z = ssArrays("@tblName", strTablename)[/blue] 'optional format returns index (base 0) to array slot used.

convertSQLToStdStr converts the SQL in a saved query to stdStr code lines, complete with hidden apostrophes, quotes and vbcrlfs. statements printed in the immediate window can be cut and pasted into code.

[li]You can insert the token into the stdStr lines of code (derived from your tested SQL) by using the editor's Replace dialog. Set the arrays in code just ahead of SQL generation.[/li][li] You can always debug.print SQL and paste it back into the SQL window of query design for enhanced troubleshooting.[/li]
[li]Copy and paste the declarations snippet, then do the same with the functions (copy/paste all at once, vba will arrange). Do not place these in a forms module.[/li]

Create a new tools module and copy/paste the code. Don't try to read it here. I've tested everything I can think of including cut and paste code restoration. Here's hoping I don't awaken to the dreaded bonehead typo.

'Add to Declarations:
Public gpaSStoks()     'An array of substitution tokens  
Public gpaSSputs()     'A matching array of replacements
Public Function stdStr(varNumOrString) As String
'see ssArrays

'trying to make string construction less than totally awkward
'pass a string to append to static string (direct abutment -- no space)
'pass any number (e.g. False) to reset the string
'Always returns existing string whatever the state

'anything in global array gpaSStoks will be replaced by the respective gpaSSputs content
'character "~" is always replaced by vbcrlf
'see ssArrays to set substitution arrays
'remember not to transfer control while string is under construction

Static theString As String
If VarType(varNumOrString) <> vbString Then
    stdStr = theString
    theString = ""
    On Error Resume Next
    X = Replace(varNumOrString, "~", vbCrLf)    'return substitute
    'these from convertSQLToStdStr
    X = Replace(X, Chr(168), Chr(34))        'quote substitute
    X = Replace(X, "`", "'")                 'apostrophe substitute
    On Error Resume Next
    For i = 0 To UBound(gpaSStoks)
        If Err <> 0 Then Exit For
        If Len(gpaSStoks(i)) > 0 Then
            X = Replace(X, gpaSStoks(i), gpaSSputs(i))
        End If
    Next i
    theString = theString & X
    stdStr = theString
End If
End Function

Public Function ssArrays(findIt, Putit) As Integer

'set values into public arrays for stdStr substitution
'see stdStr or this won't make sense
'reset the arrays by passing both findit and putit as zero length ( "" )

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim done As Boolean
    Static once
    'On Error Resume Next
    'if ubound(gpaSStoks) then goto
    If Not once Then    '
        ReDim gpaSStoks(0)
        ReDim gpaSSputs(0)
    Else    'look to replace current findit with putit
        For i = 0 To UBound(gpaSStoks)
            If gpaSStoks(i) = findIt Then
                gpaSSputs(i) = Putit
                done = True
                Exit For
            End If
        Next i
    End If
    If Not done Then    'didn't happen, insert both
        If once Then
            ReDim Preserve gpaSStoks(i)
            ReDim Preserve gpaSSputs(i)
        End If
        gpaSStoks(i) = CStr(findIt)
        gpaSSputs(i) = CStr(Putit)
    End If
    If (Len(findIt) = 0) And (Len(Putit) = 0) Then
        'erase 'command' none of the above mattered...
        ReDim gpaSStoks(0)
        ReDim gpaSSputs(0)
        once = False    'reset to reuse a(0) next time
        once = True
    End If
    ssArrays = UBound(gpaSStoks)
End Function

Public Function convertSQLToStdStr(Optional qdefName)
'Convert the SQL from qdefName (default TEMP)
'to stdSTR function calls.
'Allows SQL to be fully tested and then literally
'cut and pasted into code from the immediate window
'See also functions stdStr and SSarrays

Dim qD As QueryDef
Dim dBs As Database
Dim pH As String, qDn As String, qdSQL As String, sniP As String
Dim pT As Integer, epT As Integer

If IsMissing(qdefName) Then
    qDn = "temp"
    qDn = qdefName
End If
Set dBs = CurrentDb()
Set qD = dBs.QueryDefs(qDn)
qdSQL = Replace(qD.sql, vbCrLf, "~")
Debug.Print "stdStr false   'reset"
Do While epT < Len(qdSQL)
    pT = epT + 1
    epT = InStr(pT, qdSQL, "~")
    If epT = 0 Then
        epT = Len(qdSQL)
    End If
    sniP = pH & Mid(qdSQL, pT, epT - pT)    'next 2 will be restored by stdSTR
    sniP = Replace(sniP, Chr(34), Chr(168)) 'Hide the Quote character from VBA
    sniP = Replace(sniP, "'", "`")          'Hide the apostrophe from vba
    pH = "~"
    Debug.Print "stdStr " & Chr(34) & sniP & Chr(34)
Debug.Print "SQL = stdStr(False)   'fetch and reset"
End Function
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