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How To Query On Non-Existent Records

How To

How To Query On Non-Existent Records

by  JoyInOK  Posted    (Edited  )
If your database is structured so that no record is created if a client does not return a report in a given month, and you need a query to return a list of the "slackers" who didn't do the paperwork, this FAQ is for you. This code compares a list of all clients (subgrantees in this case) who should have returned a report with a list of the clients who did return the report, and populates a combo box with the clients who failed to report.

Note that this code uses DAO recordsets. Be sure you have a reference set to the DAO library.

Private Sub cmdCreateList_Click()
[color blue]'create a list of subgrantees who have not returned their request for funds by the due date [/color]
Dim rstAllSubs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strRDate As String
[color blue]'check that the date entered is valid[/color]
If Not IsDate(txtDueDate.Text) Then
MsgBox "The date entered is not a valid date. Please try again.", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Date"
Exit Sub
strRDate = txtDueDate.Text
End If
[color blue]'create recordset of all active subgrantee numbers[/color]
strSQL = "SELECT SubNo1, Name, Active FROM GEN_ED_T WHERE Active = 'Y';"
Set rstAllSubs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If rstAllSubs.RecordCount = 0 Then [color blue]'there are no payments issued[/color]
MsgBox "There are no subgrantees with the Active field checked Y'.", vbOKOnly, "No Active Subgrantees"
Set rstAllSubs = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
[color blue]'move to the last record to get an accurate record count[/color]

[color blue]'create recordset of all subgrantees who have returned their request for the given date[/color]
Dim rstGotIt As Recordset
Set rstGotIt = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If rstGotIt.RecordCount = 0 Then [color red]'no subgrantees have returned the request[/color]
MsgBox "No subgrantees have returned a request for that date.", vbOKOnly, "No Requests For Given Date"
Set rstGotIt = Nothing
Set rstAllSubs = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
[color blue]'compare the recordsets to create a list of those who have not returned their request[/color]
Dim intAllSubs As Integer
Dim intGotIt As Integer
Dim rstSlackers As Recordset
Set rstSlackers = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblSlackers")
[color blue]'clear the old slackers from the table[/color]
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To rstSlackers.RecordCount
Next i
For intAllSubs = 1 To rstAllSubs.RecordCount

[color blue]'if the subgrantee number is not found in the gotit recordset, place[/color]
[color blue]'the subgrantee number in a table used as the list box's row source[/color]

With rstGotIt
.FindFirst "SubNo2= " & "'" & rstAllSubs.Fields("SubNo1") & "'"
If .NoMatch Then
rstSlackers("SubgrantNo") = rstAllSubs.Fields("SubNo1")
rstSlackers("SubgrantName") = rstAllSubs.Fields("Name")
End If

End With
Next intAllSubs
Exit Sub

[color blue]'list the slacker subgrantees in a table which will serve as the row source for a list box
'clicking the subgrantee's number in the list box will open an email to the subgrantee contact[/color]
Set rstAllSubs = Nothing
Set rstSlackers = Nothing
Set rstAllSubs = Nothing
[color blue]'requery the combo box to reflect the new slackers[/color]
cboSlackers.ListIndex = -1
End Sub
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