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How to work around the ROUNDing "problem" in Access ?

How to

How to work around the ROUNDing "problem" in Access ?

by  Scanman999  Posted    (Edited  )
Hi all, I've read through lots of threads here and there, and it looks like everybody has the same problem with roundings in Access 97/2000/2002. From what I've read somewhere around here, Access uses financial (brokers) roundings while Excel uses "what we've learned at school" roundings.
Where 0.5 becomes 1 for us, brokers round to the nearest integer... so 2.5 gives 2 and not 3.

Anyway, I came up with my own rounding routine and hope it will help you all. It actually does what we do in our head, looks at the digit following number of decimals we need and if it's greater or equal to 5, adds 1 to the preceeding digit and cut the whole number with the wanted decimal places.

Public Function RoundIT(Number, Places)
RoundIT = Number
If IsNumeric(Number) Then
'Checks if it contains decimals
If CLng(Number) <> Number Then
xstr = CStr(Number)
'Look if using Dot or Coma
If InStrRev(xstr, ",") = 0 Then
ystr = "."
ystr = ","
End If
'Look for decimal position
Y = InStrRev(xstr, ystr)
'How many decimals in this number ?
DecCount = Len(xstr) - Y
'Continue only if number of decimals not already ok
If DecCount > Places Then
'Checks if someone asked to round with ZERO decimals
If Places > 0 Then
If Mid(xstr, Y + Places + 1, 1) >= "5" Then
Mid(xstr, Y + Places, 1) = CStr(CInt(Mid(xstr, Y + Places, 1)) + 1)
RoundIT = CDbl(Left(xstr, Y + Places))
RoundIT = CDbl(Left(xstr, Y + Places))
End If
'If number of decimal is ZERO, need to skip the decimal symbol too ;-)
If Mid(xstr, Y + 1, 1) >= "5" Then
Mid(xstr, Y - 1, 1) = CStr(CInt(Mid(xstr, Y - 1, 1)) + 1)
RoundIT = CDbl(Left(xstr, Y - 1))
RoundIT = CDbl(Left(xstr, Y - 1))
End If
End If
RoundIT = Number
End If
End If
Exit Function
End If

End Function

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