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How can I find the days/months/years between two dates

How to

How can I find the days/months/years between two dates

by  Rolliee  Posted    (Edited  )
Write a global function as shown below:

The return value is Years: ?? Months: ?? Days: ?? with the prober values instead of '??'

This handles leap years by using the built in functions of VB.

Public Function DateDiff2(ByVal d1 As Date, ByVal d2 As Date) As String
Dim d3 As Date, nDays As Integer
Dim d1Day As Integer, nDayStart As Integer
Dim nYears As Integer, d1Mon As Integer, MonLast As Integer, nn As Integer, nMon As Integer, d1Year As Integer

If d1 > d2 Then
d3 = d1
d1 = d2
d2 = d3
End If

d1Day = Day(d1)
d1Mon = Month(d1)
d1Year = Year(d1)
nn = 0
nMon = 0
nDays = 0
nYears = 0

MonLast = d1Mon
Do While d2 > d1
d1 = d1 + 1
nn = nn + 1

nDays = nDays + 1

If (Day(d1) = d1Day) And Month(d1) <> MonLast Then
nMon = nMon + 1
nDays = 0
MonLast = Month(d1)
If nMon = 12 Then
nMon = 0
nYears = nYears + 1
End If
End If

DateDiff2 = "Years: " & Format(nYears, "00") & " Months: " & Format(nMon, "00") & " Days: " & Format(nDays, "00")
End Function
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