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How do I make a Find box in a DAP?

Data Access Pages

How do I make a Find box in a DAP?

by  SMerrill  Posted    (Edited  )
I had some fun with this one. I made a very Access-looking Find box which pops up into a Div when you click the Find button.

This example was written for a Change Management application, so you'll have to customize the [red]red[/red] text for your own uses.

I'm assuming that you've already thrown together a DAP containing many fields that you wish to search through to find some text. Simply customize cboWhichField (which is bolded below) and enumerate your field names along with the label caption for each field.

The Find button calls cmdFind_OnClick which makes a big HTML string in variable s that is placed into the InnerHTML of the Div.
This provides several controls like Find First, Find Next, and a combo box called cboWhichField that allows you to choose what field to search in.

The FindFirst and FindNext event handlers call the Finder routine.

Insert the following button and div:

<BUTTON id=cmdFind 
      title="Show Find Controls" 
      style="Z-INDEX: 1; LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 0.635in; TOP: 0px; HEIGHT: 0.216in; TEXT-ALIGN: center">Find</BUTTON>


<DIV id=FindDiv style="VISIBILITY: hidden; WIDTH: 5.966in; HEIGHT: 1px"></DIV>

Then, insert the following code in your vb script block:

private sub Finder(FindNext)
Dim strFindWhat
dim strFieldName
dim Found
dim rst
dim Criteria
dim SearchDirection
dim sErrMsg
dim FindTitle

FindTitle="Find First"
If FindNext=True Then
FindTitle = "Find Next"
End If

Criteria = ""
strFindWhat = txtFindWhat.value
if not IsNull(strFindWhat) then
on error resume next
Found = True
With MSODSC.DefaultRecordset
Set rst = .Clone

Select Case cboMatch.value
Case 1 'Any part of field
Criteria = strFieldName & " like '*" & strFindWhat & "*'"
Case 2 'Whole Field
Criteria = strFieldName & "='" & strFindWhat & "'"
Case 3 'Start of Field
Criteria = strFieldName & " like '" & strFindWhat & "*'"
End Select

Select Case cboSearch.value
Case 1 ' Up
SearchDirection = -1
Case 2 ' Down
SearchDirection = 1
Case 3 ' All
SearchDirection = 1
End Select

If FindNext Then
rst.Find Criteria,1,SearchDirection, .Bookmark
rst.Find Criteria,0,SearchDirection
End If

If err.number<>0 then
Found = False
sErrMsg = "Error: " & Err.Description
If not (rst.BOF or rst.EOF) then
.Bookmark = rst.Bookmark
Found = False
End if
End if
End with
set rst = nothing

If Not Found Then
msgbox " Criteria { " & Criteria & " } not found." & vbcrlf & sErrMsg,,FindTitle
End if
end if
end sub

Private Sub cmdFindNext_OnClick()
Finder True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdFindFirst_OnClick()
Finder False
end sub

Private Sub cmdCloseFind_OnClick()
finddiv.style.height = "1px"
finddiv.innerHTML = ""
end sub

Private Sub cmdFind_OnClick()
dim s

s = "<TABLE id=tblFind " _
& " style=""FONT-WEIGHT: 700; WIDTH: 352px; " _
& " FONT-FAMILY: Trebuchet MS; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #99ccff"" " _
& " tabIndex=[red]42[/red] cellPadding=0 width=352 border=0>" _
& " <TBODY><TR><TD><FONT size=2>Which Field:</FONT></TD><TD>" _
& " <SELECT id=cboWhichField style=""Z-INDEX: 1; WIDTH: 213px"" tabIndex=[red]43[/red] " _
& " size=1 name=cboWhichField>"

s = s _
& "<OPTION value=[red]ChangeNumber[/red] SELECTED>[red]Change Number[/red]</OPTION>" _
& "<OPTION value=[red]Description[/red] >[red]Change Title[/red]</OPTION>" _
& " <OPTION value=[red]Comments[/red] >[red]Comments[/red]</OPTION>" _
& " <OPTION value=[red]last_mod_user[/red] >[red]Last Modified By[/red]</OPTION>" _
& " <OPTION value=[red]last_mod_date[/red] >[red]Time Stamp[/red]</OPTION>" _
& " </SELECT></TD>" _
& " <TD>"

s = s _
& "<BUTTON id=cmdFindFirst title=""Find First Match"" style="" WIDTH: 0.843in; HEIGHT: 0.184in"" " _
& " tabIndex=[red]50[/red] MsoTextAlign=""General"">Find First</BUTTON></TD></TR>" _
& "<TR>" _
& "<TD><FONT size=2>Find What:</FONT></TD>" _
& "<TD><INPUT id=txtFindWhat style=""WIDTH: 212px"" tabIndex=[red]45[/red] size=36></TD>" _
& "<TD><BUTTON id=cmdFindNext title=""Find Next Match"" style=""WIDTH: 0.843in; HEIGHT: 0.184in"" tabIndex=[red]51[/red] " _
& " MsoTextAlign=""General"">Find Next</BUTTON></TD>" _
& "</TR>"

s = s _
& "<TR>" _
& "<TD><FONT size=2>Search:</FONT></TD>" _
& "<TD><SELECT id=cboSearch style=""WIDTH: 212px"" tabIndex=[red]47[/red] size=1>" _
& "<OPTION value=1 >Up</OPTION>" _
& "<OPTION value=2 >Down</OPTION>" _
& "<OPTION value=3 selected >All</OPTION>" _
& "</SELECT></TD>" _
& "<TD><BUTTON id=cmdCloseFind title=""Hide Find Controls"" style="" WIDTH: 0.843in; HEIGHT: 0.184in"" " _
& "tabIndex=[red]52[/red] MsoTextAlign=General>Close</BUTTON></TD>" _
& "</TR>"

s = s _
& "<TR>" _
& "<TD><FONT size=2>Match:</FONT></TD>" _
& "<TD><SELECT id=cboMatch style=""WIDTH: 212px"" tabIndex=[red]49[/red] size=1>" _
& "<OPTION value=1>Any Part of Field</OPTION>" _
& "<OPTION value=2 selected>Whole Field</OPTION>" _
& "<OPTION value=3>Start Of Field</OPTION>" _
& "</SELECT></TD>" _
& "<TD> </TD>" _
& "</TR></TBODY></TABLE>"

finddiv.innerHTML = s
end sub

Look carefully -- I may have missed a few [red]red[/red] spots.
--Shaun Merrill
Seattle, WA
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Part and Inventory Search
