If you have data that looks like this
key datafield
1 X
2 X
2 Y
3 Z
4 X
4 Y
4 Z
How do you make it looks like this
1 X
2 X,Y
3 Z
4 X,Y,Z
It is not straightforward to represent a one to many relationship in a standard query without using VBA
Here is some code that can be used to insert data into a temporary table (only tested with ACCESS 97)
in this code 'project_nbr_store_list' is the table that contains the data 'project_nbr' the key and 'store' the datafield.
Many thanks to Jim deGeorge who took orginal code I created and tested/tweaked it and suggested it was worthy of a FAQ.
Please note if your key field is numeric then you will need to change the syntax of the sql in the line which starts db.execute
Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rs1 As Recordset
Dim vStore As String ' string to contain list of stores
Set db = CurrentDb
'clear out TempTable
db.Execute "DELETE TempTable.* FROM TempTable;"
'first of all insert list of projects into table TempTable
db.Execute ("insert into TempTable (project_nbr) select distinct project_nbr
from project_nbr_store_list")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("select distinct project_nbr from TempTable")
'outer loop containing list of project numbers
Do Until rs.EOF = True
'for each project number create a string of stores
vStore = ""
Dim sql As String
sql = "select store from project_nbr_store_list where project_nbr ='" &
rs!project_nbr & "'"
'select list of stores for current project number
Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset(sql)
'inner loop to create a concatenated string of stores
Do While rs1.EOF = False
vStore = vStore + ", " + rs1!store
If Len(vStore) > 0 Then
'trim off leading comma
vStore = Right(vStore, Len(vStore) - 1)
'update project list with store string
db.Execute ("UPDATE TempTable SET store = '" + vStore + "' WHERE
project_nbr = '" & rs!project_nbr & "'")
'dont bother with update
End If
'move to next project number
'release the memory
Set rs = Nothing
Set rs1 = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
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