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Designing a frame-like-looking site without frames

page design

Designing a frame-like-looking site without frames

by  Targol  Posted    (Edited  )
If you want your site to have the "standard" look of frame based sites without using frames, here's a solution :

Following is an exemple of a page separated in 3 :
- 1) a full width top banner that holds title
- 2) a left menu
- 3) the rest of the page as main container

That looks like this :
  |                                 |
  |            top banner (#1)      |
  |      |                          |
  |      |                          |
  |      |                          |
  | Menu |     Main container       |
  | (#2) |         (#3)             |
  |      |                          |
  |      |                          |
  |      |                          |
  |      |                          |
This exemple does'nt use frames but the result seems the same (except that all the parts scroll together).

You need 3 files to do it :

[color blue]entete.jsp[/color]
    class="Entete" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0px">
        <TD width="160px" class="CoinEntete">
           <!-- some links -->

        <TD align='center' width='555'>
        	<B><FONT size='5' color='#FFFFFF'>
        		Page Title<BR/>
        		and under Title

        <TD width='100'>
           <!-- some links -->

[color blue]gauche.jsp[/color]
<TABLE border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="160px">
            <TD class="MenuGauche">menu link #1</TD>
            <TD class="MenuGauche">menu link #2</TD>
            <TD class="MenuGauche">menu link #3</TD>
            <TD class="MenuGauche">menu link #4</TD>
            <TD class="MenuGauche">menu link #n</TD>

The next one is your standard skeleton that you'll use for each page that needs that kind of look :
[color blue]squelette.jsp[/color]
<LINK rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../style/style.css'>
<jsp:include page="
[color red]Entete.jsp[/color]
" flush="true"/>
<TABLE cellspacing="0px" cellpadding="0px" border="0px" width='100%'>
	<COL width="160px">
	<COL width="10px">
	<COL width="850px">
	        <TD valign='top'>
	        	<jsp:include page="
[color red]Gauche.jsp[/color]
" flush="true"/>
	        <TD> </TD>
	        <TD valign='top'>
                    <!-- put here all the code for your page -->

Note : this page is for 1024x768 screen. Change the col widths form "Squelette.jsp" and the table width from "menu.jsp" to change your target resolution.
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