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How to setup Avaya Push SDK

Avaya tips and tricks

How to setup Avaya Push SDK

by  G3rtech  Posted    (Edited  )

Here are the steps I used to get the AVAYA PUSH SDK up and running on 10/26/2009.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My test bed hardware requirements:
ò DELL INSPIRON 5100 Laptop (Push Initiator) IP Address
ò DELL Power Edge 2970 (This REDHAT 4-AS box has the AVAYA MV_IPTel fileserver running on it.)
ò AVAYA S8700
ò AVAYA 9600 series IP-Phone running S3.002 (Push Agent) IP Address
ò AVAYA 4600 series IP-Phone Running application a20d01b2_9_1.bin/boot b20d01b2_9_1.bin (Push Agent) IP Address

My test bed software requirements:
ò Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP2 -(MS-FIREWALL OFF)(Push Initiator)
ò Symantec Endpoint
ò Microsoft IE 6.0
ò CM 3.1.4
ò JAVA SE (Standard Edition)jdk1.6.0_16 JAVA Development Kit
ò JAVA JFM2.1.1e
ò Apache Tomcat/6.0.20
ò AVAYA IP-Phone Push SDK_R1 (API)
ò AVAYA 46xxsettings.txt

A good document to have on hand:
ò AVAYA IP Phone PushSDK Installation Version 2.0 September 2008

AVAYA û Dev Connect
Go to http://devconnect.avaya.com/secure/s_welcome.jsp and create a free account. Search for AVAYA PUSH SDK. You can download the PUSH document and the PUSH API zip file here.


(JVM) Through a lot of trial and error IÆve learned that the first download needs to be JVM or Java Virtual Machine. Go to http://java.com This is free and simple. Just download it and go through the setup and verify at the Java home page that it installed correctly.

(JDK) JAVA SE (Standard Edition) Development KIT. Go to http://java.sun.com/ Under downloads youÆll want to <CLICK> Java SE. <CLICK-DOWNLOAD>JDK 6 Update 16 with JavaFX SDK <CLICK-CONTINUE>. You will be prompted to setup a JAVA account but, itÆs free as well or <CLICK> skip this step. Run the downloaded package and please make note of your install path. It should be C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\

ò When the installation is complete go to your command prompt. <CLICK>Start <CLICK>RUN. In the pop up window <type>cmd<ENTER>. When your command window pops up <type>javac. You should get an error æjavacÆ is not recognized. This is because Java needs the path set. This is fairly dangerous so proceed at your own risk. <right-click>My Computer <CLICK>Properties <CLICK>Advanced Tab <CLICK> Environment Variables. Under user variables we want to add a new user variable. Under user variables <click new>. The variable name will be Path. The variable value will be C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin This depends on your install path. <CLICK> OK <CLICK> OK <CLICK> OK.

ò <CLICK>Start <CLICK>RUN. In the pop up window <type>cmd<ENTER>. When your command window pops up <type>javac. You should get a list of Java Complier commands meaning you complier is ready to go. Exit the command window and you should see another install waiting for you. This is the Java FX. <CLICK>Next, accept the terms and continue with the installation. Close the browser window that pops up unless you want to register it. <CLICK> Finish and move on to the next installation.

(JFM) JAVA Media framework.
ò Go to httphttp://sun.com Do a search for JAVA Media. Look for JAVA 2.1.1e

ò Before you download it, add the 2.1.1e download page to your browser favorites. You will need to go to the setup instructions link later.

ò <CLICK> Download, select your OS platform, <CLICK> the agreement <CLICK> continue, <CLICK> the file name jfm-2_1_1e-windows-i586.exe

ò Download and install it. During the installation process select everything under setup options EXCEPT ôPermit writing local files from an applet.ö Leave it un-checked.

ò Once you finish youÆll need to reboot. After the system is back up launch your browser and go back to the download page that you saved in your favorites and <CLICK> the setup instructions link at the bottom of the page. Select JFM 2.1.1 and scroll down slightly and select JFM diagnostics link. The diagnostics output should be:
? JFM Versionà2.1.1e
? Win32 Build
? Native Libraries Found
This means your JAVA is all set.


(Apache Tomcat) Go to http://tomcat.apache.org/ and under downloads select Tomcat 6.x. Scroll down to 6.0.20 and select Windows Service Installer <CLICK>RUN and <CLICK>RUN and continue with the installation.
ò Select the æCUSTOM type of installation and put a check mark in æExamples.Æ <CLICK> next and proceed.
ò Leave the HTTP port set to 8080
ò Administrator login = admin
ò Password = enter a password and write it down.
ò Accept the JVM path
ò <CLICK> Install
ò <CLICK> Finish
ò Your Tomcat Server should startup and have an icon on the bottom right.
ò Launch a browser and go to http://localhost:8080 Hopefully you are now looking at your Tomcat Admin page. Select status and see if it will prompt you to login. <LOGIN>. This page will give you all the information for concerning your applications. You should also be able to access it from another computer. http://tomcatsipaddress:8080


ò Download the AVAYA Push SDK zip file to your desktop and open it up.
ò Your Tomcat installation path should be C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0
ò Go to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps
ò With the zip file open you should see the AvayaIPPhoneSDK folder. Open this folder and then open the folder sampleapplications. Drag and drop the sampleAvayaPushSDK.war file into to webapps directory and wait a few seconds. The war file will unzip itself and create a new folder called sampleAvayaPushSDK.
ò Go back to the open AVAYA zip file and open the PushSDKLib folder. Drag and drop the AvayaPushSDK.war file into the webapps directory and give it a few seconds. The war file will unzip itself and create a new folder called AvayaPushSDK.
ò Go to the bottom right of your screen. <RIGHT-CLICK> on the Apache icon and select configure. When the pop up window appears just stop the server. Then start it.
ò Go to http://localhost:8080/sampleAvayaPushSDK You should see the AVAYA Push Operations Page. We arenÆt ready to send push messages just yet.
ò Go to your command prompt. <CLICK>Start <CLICK>RUN. In the pop up window <type>cmd<ENTER.> Type ipconfig and write down your ip-address. This will be the (TPS) address.
ò Now go to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps\sampleAvayaPushSDK\WEB-INF\classes
ò <RIGHT-CLICK> on pushproperties.xml <SELECT> open with notpad.
ò Insert your ip-address where the sample æservlet container ipÆ is but, leave port 8080 alone. Close the file, save the changes. (FOR ME
ò Again, restart Apache for good measure.


Ok!! my MV_IPTel server is running on Linux so here we go.
ò cd /opt/ecs/mvuser/MV_IPTel/data/HTTPSdata/ or HTTPdata depends on your setup.
ò vi 46xxsettings.txt
ò Modify the TPSLIST with yourtomcatipaddress:8080 (FOR ME
ò <ecs> <:> <wq> <ENTER>to save the changes.


HereÆs the file step and the most simple. Reboot your IP-Phone or phones so they can upload the modified 46xxsettings.txt file.
ò Get an IP-PhoneÆs ip-address and see if you can ping it from the pc that you have Tomcat on.
ò If thatÆs successful go back to http://localhost:8080/sampleAvayaPushSDK
ò You should see once again your AVAYA Push Operations Page.
ò You should now be able to perform all of the selections to the left. The push log is in C:\PushOutPut


I pounded this application yesterday and some times it states that a push was sent but the phone never got it. Was a rare occurrence but, IÆm just glad to get it working.
Probably in the next few weeks I will attempt to get this all working on a RHEL box. I will do a how to for it as well and post it.
If anyone has any issues please post and IÆll be glad to help. GOOD LUCK!!!
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