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Host codes and music while waiting with meet-me conference. Single vector solution.

Meet-Me Conferencing

Host codes and music while waiting with meet-me conference. Single vector solution.

by  dufus2506  Posted    (Edited  )
Meet-me with a host code. Works for 6-party and EMMC.

Tested on version 5.1. Should work with any system that has VDN variables. (Basically 3.1 and up.)

Essentially, IÆm making use of vdn variable V1 as the host code. Build a standard meet-me vdn, and add a host code in the field of V1.

Unlike other methods described, this one doesn't need to reset a variable. Once the conference ends, and everyone disconnects, callers can't restart the conference without a host dialing in as well.

I set the host code to be 4 digits, but it can be as many as 16.

As the host, you don't acquire any special "host" features. You can't "mute all participants" or anything similar. The host ID is only used to start the call. For call control of the conference, check out the conf-dsp, drop, and fe-mute station buttons. The host can disconnect without ending the conference.

Callers connect directly if the conference is already in progress (host has connected) but will wait hearing music until the host arrives. Within 5 seconds of the hostÆs arrival, all waiting callers are connected.

If the host does not arrive callers will wait indefinitely. (Sorry, but you canÆt set variables in meet-me conference vectors, so you canÆt limit the time.)

You can use this vector as a common vector for all of your meet-me conference vdns. You don't need to have a different vector for each meet-me vdn.


You can leave off the passcode, (and the passcode checking steps 1-6 below) and just use the meet-me vdn, and the host code. I left it in so users can change the passcode if they need to. (To keep any particular conference call private.)

You can increase the "collect digits" in lines 2,4, 27, and 29 to 10 instead of 6 and 4. Then record the associated announcements to say "...followed by the pound sign." Most people will expect to enter a # at the end of the passcode and host code anyway. This will keep system hackers from knowing the length of the codes you use, and will probably be a more familiar way of entering digits by users.

If you don't want to use a common access line, route all vdns to the main conference bridge vector. Record the announcement described as 4640 below to have a system greeting. (i.e. You have reached the conference bridge, please enter your conference passcode.) You'll need to use DID numbers as meet-me vdns.

Conference bridge control vector

Number: 1000 Name: Conf Bridge
Multimedia? n Attendant Vectoring? n Meet-me Conf? y Lock? y
Basic? y EAS? y G3V4 Enhanced? y ANI/II-Digits? y ASAI Routing? y
Prompting? y LAI? y G3V4 Adv Route? y CINFO? y BSR? y Holidays? y
Variables? y 3.0 Enhanced? y
01 # Collect conf passcode from all callers
02 collect 6 digits after announcement 4640
03 goto step 8 if digits = meet-me-access
04 collect 6 digits after announcement 4641
05 goto step 8 if digits = meet-me-access
06 disconnect after announcement 4642
07 # Check to see if meet me is idle, and join if not
08 goto step 14 if meet-me-idle
09 announcement 4645
10 route-to meetme
11 disconnect after announcement 4646
12 stop
13 # Check to see if the caller is the host
14 collect 1 digits after announcement 4648
15 goto step 27 if digits = 1
16 # Wait here if you're not the host and the host hasn't arrived
17 # Waiting callers will connect within 5 secs of the host arrival
18 goto step 23 if meet-me-idle
19 announcement 4652
20 route-to meetme
21 disconnect after announcement 4646
22 stop
23 wait-time 5 secs hearing music
24 goto step 18 if unconditionally
25 stop
26 # Collect and verify host code
27 collect 4 digits after announcement 4649
28 goto step 19 if digits = V1
29 collect 4 digits after announcement 4650
30 goto step 19 if digits = V1
31 disconnect after announcement 4651
32 stop


4640 Please enter your conference passcode.
4641 Your passcode was not valid. Please re-enter your conference passcode.
4642 Your passcode was not valid. Please contact your conference host.
4645 Your conference is already in progress. To mute or unmute your line press star six at any time.
4646 Your call cannot be connected at this time. Please try your call again later.
4648 Your host has not yet arrived. Please standby. If you are the conference host, please press one.
4649 Please enter your conference host code.
4650 The host code you entered was not valid. Please re-enter your host code.
4651 The host code you entered was not valid. Please contact your administrator.
4652 Your conference will now begin. To mute or unmute your line press star six at any time.

*NOTE* The instructions above to mute and unmute your line only apply to an EMMC bridge. If you don't have one, leave that off the announcement.

Common access line vector

Number: 1001 Name: Conf Bridge
Multimedia? n Attendant Vectoring? n Meet-me Conf? n Lock? n
Basic? y EAS? y G3V4 Enhanced? y ANI/II-Digits? y ASAI Routing? y
Prompting? y LAI? y G3V4 Adv Route? y CINFO? y BSR? y Holidays? y
Variables? y 3.0 Enhanced? y
01 collect 4 digits after announcement 4647 for none
02 route-to digits with coverage y
03 stop


4647 You have reached the conference bridge. Please enter your conference number.

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