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How to install Patch for new daylight savings rules

CM downloads

How to install Patch for new daylight savings rules

by  mikeydidit  Posted    (Edited  )
Daylight Savings Update

These are the steps involved in downloading and installing the new software patch for the daylight savings time changes. If you have a ESS or LSP configuration, downlaod the patch to those before begining the following steps.

Check your current version of software carefully before downloading and installing any patches on your servers.

1. Verify the current version of software you are using by logging into the server through the web management interface. Once you are successfully logged in, go into the Launch maintenance Web interface and double click on software version. It should look similar to this.

? Software Version

The Software Version Web page displays the software version of the active server.

Top of Form 1
# Operating system: Linux 2.4.20-AV15 i686 i686
Built: Mar 15 09:42 2005

Contains: 00.1.346.0
Reports as: R013x.00.1.346.0

If you still are unsure of the version, highlight and copy the version number behind ôReports as:öR013x.00.1.346.0. You can now go to http://support.avaya.com/
website and paste this in the search window. The search results will show this is version (in this case) CM 3.0.1. You now know what patch you need to install for your servers.

2. Go to the downloads section on the above link and look for the patch you need. These can be found under the following section.

2007 Daylight Saving Time Patches for Media Servers running Communication Manager:

Download the patch you need, which in this case would be

Communication Manager 3.0.1 # 346.0 12514 November 21, 2006

You are now ready to install the daylight saving time patch to your servers.

3. Log into the web management interface and go into
Launch maintenance Web interface. Next go into the security section under ftp and make sure that FTP file transfers are enabled.

4. Close to the bottom on the left hand side of the page is a field called download files.

After double clicking this enter the following. Check the box marked

?File(s) to download from the machine I'm using
to connect to the server

Find the file on your PC. Use the browse button and place the file in the appropriate box .

*Do not check the box marked Install this file on the local server

You are now ready to download your patch to your server by pressing download.

Before you leave from the web browser go back up to Data Backup/Restore and go into
View/Restore Data. At the bottom of this page is the file address. Highlight and copy this address. It should look something like this.


* If this command gives you an error, then you are probably using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. This automatically adds a [1] to the file. You simply rename the file and remove the [1].

5. You are now ready to verify the download, unpack and update the server.
Go into start, run, and type in telenet xx.x.xxx.xxx (the IP address of you server.)
Enter your login and password and hit enter again on the terminal type screen.
Type in cd and paste the file address in. Hit enter. Now type in dir and make sure the file is on the server. It should look something like this.

dadmin@S8710A> cd /var/home/ftp/pub
dadmin@S8710A> dir

Next you need to highlight the file name and type in ôupdate _unpack and paste the file. This should look like this. update_unpack 00.1.346.0-12514.tar.gz
Be sure to check the file name and make sure the .gz or the end of the file name doesnÆt get lost.

6. You are now ready to activate the patch. Type in update_activate and paste the file again. It should look like update_activate 00.1.346.0-12514.tar.gz
Before you press enter remove the end of the file name .tar.gz. Now press enter and it should become active.

7. You two options to be sure the patch has become active at this point. One would be to log back into the servers and go into the maintenance interface and look under Software versions. It should look like this.

? Software Version

The Software Version Web page displays the software version of the active server.

Top of Form 1
# Operating system: Linux 2.4.20-AV15 i686 i686
Built: Mar 15 09:42 2005

Contains: 00.1.346.0
Reports as: R013x.00.1.346.0
Release String: S8710-013-00.1.346.0
00.1.346.0-10986 activated hot SP 10986
00.1.346.0-12514 activated hot Daylight Savings Update

Translation Saved: Jan 11 02:00

License Installed: Sep 19 14:34

From this screen you can see the patch is activated and hot. The other command would be in the telnet session and it would be update_show.

8. Using the sat terminal, (ASA, Integrated site management) type in the ôset timeö command. This will verify you are using a daylight saving rule.
9. Next you will type in ôch dayö (change daylight-savings rule) and program it like below.

change daylight-savings-rules Page 1 of 2

Rule Change Day Month Date Time Increment

0: No Daylight Savings

1: Start: first Sunday on or after March 8 at 02:00 01:00
Stop: first Sunday on or after November 1 at 02:00
2: Start: first on or after at : :
Stop: first on or after at :
3: Start: first on or after at : :
Stop: first on or after at :
4: Start: first on or after at : :
Stop: first on or after at :
5: Start: first on or after at : :

10. The last couple of step are to (in ASA) type in ôsave transö or save translations and I also did a backup of these on the servers under the web interface and ôbackup nowô.

This proceedure must be done again on the other server. While it was not service effecting on the ôactiveö server the standby did do a reset. I also had a duplication file synconization alarm in the servers after this process, which I cleared under the web interface and the alarms sections.

Avaya also recommends that you check the time settings using the web management interface (server date/time) and through ASA (set time) to make sure no problems were incurred during this.
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