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FTP procedures


FTP procedures

by  mikeydidit  Posted    (Edited  )
FTP Setup

1. In order to do firmware downloads you must first set the switch up to be able to accept a file system transfer.
At the SAT you would enter ôenable filesystem board 02e20 login craft password

* enable filexfer on newer versions of software

The actual command would look like ôenable filesystem board 02e20 login craft mikeydiditö= password
This command enables the C-LAN card to download new versions of firmware to itself or to other programable boards(Tn2224cp, Tn464fCp, and ECT.)

2. The next step is to go into internet explorer and go to the Avaya Technical support site and look in downloads section. https://support.avaya.com/download/
Here you should find the latest/greatest versions of firmware for different circuit packs. Check the versions that are on the circuit packs by issuing the ôlist configuration board 0xxxxö command from the SAT. Their will be a HW (hardware) version and a FW (Firmware) version on each programmable pack. The firmware downloads have to match both versions. If there are any doubts, contact AvayaÆs Tier 3 group and confirm before you perform any downloads. After you have confirmed the appropriate firmware download, you can now read the ôread meö files for any known issues with this download and save this to a folder on the C: drive. (I have created a folder on the C: drive that is named firmware downloads.)

3. You are now ready to login into FTP on your computer. Go to start, and then Run and enter cmd this takes you to DOS. Once you are in DOS type in

C: (This will take you off of O drive (your network drive) and change you over to C: drive)
Cd firmware downloads (This command will take you to the firmware folder)
Dir (This command shows you the files that are in the firmware folder. Be sure to
get the correct file as their may be different ones in here.)
Next would be to ftp 10.x.xxx.xxx. ( Your C-LAN IP address )It will then ask for your user name.
Type in (username mikey)
(password mikeydidit)
This will log you into your FTP session.
Enter binary (This sets this session to binary mode)
Then enter ôputö and the file name

You should receive a message that
1. Port set OK
2. Opening binary mode data connection
3. transfer complete
4. FTP bytes sent in ?? seconds and how many bytes were sent
5. enter ôlsö to verify download is on the circuit pack
6. The download is now complete. Enter ôbyeö
7. Enter ôexitö the escape from DOS.

Val boards are done a little differently. After you get into the ftp session, you MUST enter cd {space) /, then binary enter, then put filename-sig.bin. enter. This takes the files and puts it in the root directory, not the directory your announcements will be stored. If you do not do this it will never show up on the ôli dir bo xxxxxö command.

ò see example below

FTP example

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.


C:\>cd firmware downloads

C:\firmware downloads>dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is D063-A59D

Directory of C:\firmware downloads

04/18/2005 08:22 AM <DIR> .
04/18/2005 08:22 AM <DIR> ..
04/18/2005 08:22 AM 1,982,144 tn799dp_f12.bin
1 File(s) 1,982,144 bytes
2 Dir(s) 63,148,830,720 bytes free

C:\firmware downloads>ftp 10.x.xxx.xxx
Connected to 10.x.xxx.xxx
220 VxWorks (5.4) FTP server ready
User (10.x.xxx.xxx:(none)): mikey
331 Password required
Password: mikeydidit
230 User logged in
ftp> binary
200 Type set to I, binary mode
ftp> put tn799dp_f12.bin
200 Port set okay
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection
226 Transfer complete
ftp: 1982144 bytes sent in 4.30Seconds 461.29Kbytes/sec.
ftp> is
ftp> bye
C: exit

You are now ready to verify the file is on the memory board on the C-LAN. The command to do this is ôlist directory board xxxxxö.


list directory board 02E20 SPE A


Board File/Directory Creation Size Pro-
Loc Name Date Time Kb tect
02E20 F:tn799dp_f12.bin 2005/04/20 09:38:32 1936 ?

Next run the ôget boot-image board xxxxxö ( In this case 02e20) This command will give you a backup copy of the current version of firmware so this can be restored if need be. (Corruption, bugs, or other problems)

You can now schedule this download or do it immediately by using the ôchange firmware downloadö command. AvayaÆs documentation states this procedure takes about 5 to 10 minutes. While this procedure is running you can enter the command ôstatus firmware downloadö and it will show the status of the download as it is happening. The form is fairly easy to fill out, but there are several important parts. Be sure to enter the correct load, source and target locations. One other thing to remember is when you enter the ôschedule downloadö. If you set this to ônoö, it automatically starts this procedure. In some cases this is service affecting as the board resets itself to finish loading the firmware.

Please see example below.

change firmware download Page 1 of 1 SPE A

Source Board Location: 02e20
Firmware Image File Name: tn799dp_f12.bin
Target Board Code: TN799 Suffix: DP Firmware Vintage:
Schedule Download? n Remove Image File After Successful Download? n
Target Target Target Target Target
Location Location Location Location Location
1. 02e20 11. 21. 31. 41.
2. 12. 22. 32. 42.
3. 13. 23. 33. 43.
4. 14. 24. 34. 44.
5. 15. 25. 35. 45.
6. 16. 26. 36. 46.
7. 17. 27. 37. 47.
8. 18. 28. 38. 48.
9. 19. 29. 39. 49.
10. 20. 30. 40. 50.

In the case above, the target of this firmware download is the source. If you are upgrading the firmware of any other boards you must enter that board as the target (or targets) and the correct firmware image file name. Also be sure to turn the ôRemove Image File After Successful Download to ônö in case you have problems with the new load.

This seemed to be service affecting for about 1 minute. That is the point the C-LAN rebooted itself to initiate the new firmware load. You can now run the ôlist configuration board 02e20ö command to verify the new load is present on the board.

This procedure is now complete.

* Val boards have to be set as the source and target.
* When doing multiple downloads, one board is effected at a time. It will not effect the other boards until is has completed the board that is scheduled before it.

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