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Setting up Meet-Me Conferencing Calls

Meet-Me Conferencing

Setting up Meet-Me Conferencing Calls

by  Phoneman2  Posted    (Edited  )
System-parameters customer-options
To enable the Conference Enhancements, the G3 Version field must be set to
V11 on the System-Parameters Customer-Options screen. The field should be set
according to the installed license file.

G3 Version: V11 Maximum Ports: 1300 648
Location: 1 Maximum XMOBILE Stations: 10 0
Platform: 2

A new field, Enhanced Conferencing, has been added to the
System-Parameters Customer-Options screen. The field should be set according to
the installed license file.


Emergency Access to Attendant? y ISDN Feature Plus? n
Enable 'dadmin' Login? y ISDN Network Call Redirection? n
Enhanced Conferencing? y ISDN-BRI Trunks? n
Enhanced EC500? n ISDN-PRI? y
Extended Cvg/Fwd Admin? y Local Spare Processor? n
External Device Alarm Admin? n Malicious Call Trace? y

Enhanced Conferencing
Enhanced Conferencing allows the customer to use the Meet-me Conference, Selective Conference Party Display, Drop, and Mute, and No Hold Conference features. This field can be enabled only if, on the System-Parameters
Customer-Options screen, the G3 Version field is V11 or higher.

Meet-me Conference VDN
A new field, Meet-me Conference, has been added to the VDN screen.


Extension: 36090
Name: Marketing Conf. Cal Host
Vector Number: 90

Meet-me Conferencing? y

COR: 1
TN: 1
Meet-me Conference
This field appears only if, on the System-Parameters Customer-Options screen, the Enhanced Conferencing field is y. This field determines if the VDN is a Meet-me Conference VDN.

If the VDN extension is part of the customerÆs DID block, external users will be able to access the conference VDN. If the VDN extension is not part of the customerÆs DID block, only internal callers on the customerÆs network
(including DCS or QSIG) or remote access callers can access the conference VDN.

Valid entries Usage
y/n Enter y to enable Meet-me Conference for this VDN. If Meet-me Conference is enabled, several fields do not display.

Both Attendant Vectoring and Meet-me Conference cannot be
enabled at the same time.

If Enhanced Conferencing is enabled, but no other vectoring
customer options are enabled, only Meet-me Conference vectors can be assigned.

If Meet-me Conference is enabled, the following new fields display on Page 2.



Conference Access Code 937821 Conference Controller: 80378

Conference Access Code

This field appears only if, on the Vector Directory Number screen, the Meet-me Conference field is y. This field allows you to assign an access code to the Meet-me Conference VDN.

You should always assign an access code to a Meet-me Conference VDN.

Enter a 6-digit access code for the Meet-me Conference VDN. If you do not want an access code, leave the field blank.
Once an access code is assigned, an asterisk displays in this field for subsequent change, display, or remove operations by all users except the ôinitö superuser login.

Conference Controller
This field appears only if, on the Vector Directory Number screen, the Meet-me Conference field is y. This field controls which user is allowed to change the
access code for a Meet-me Conference VDN using a feature access code.

A user can change the access code only after it has been first assigned by the system administrator, and only system administrators can remove an access

If an extension number is entered, a user at that extension can change the access code for the Meet-me Conference VDN using a feature access code.
If this field is blank, only a station user that is assigned with console permissions can change the access code for the Meet-me Conference VDN using a feature access code. In addition, remote access users can change a Meet-me Conference access code using the feature access code.

Meet-me Conference Call Vector
The Call Vector screen has a new field that designates the vector as a Meet-me Conference vector. The collect, goto step, and route-to vector steps have new options or conditions for the Meet-me Conference feature.
The following screens shows an example of a Meet-me Conference vector.

Number: 1 Name: Meet-me conf
Meet-me Conf? y Lock? y
Basic? y EAS? y G3V4 Enhanced? y ANI/II-Digits? y ASAI Routing? y
Prompting? y LAI? n G3V4 Adv Route? y CINFO? n BSR? n Holidays? y

01 collect 6 digits after announcement 12340
02 goto step 6 if digits = meet-me-access
03 collect 6 digits after announcement 12341
04 goto step 6 if digits = meet-me-access
05 disconnect after announcement 12342
06 goto step 11 if meet-me-idle
07 goto step 14 if meet-me-full
08 announcement 12343
09 route-to meetme
10 stop
11 announcement 12344
12 route-to meetme
13 stop
14 disconnect after announcement 12345
15 stop

Meet-me Conf
This field appears only if, on the System-Parameters Customer-Options screen,the Enhanced Conferencing field is y. This field designates the VDN as aMeet-me Conference VDN.

Valid entries Usage
y/n Enter y to enable Meet-me Conference for this vector. If
Meet-me Conference field is y, the Lock field also must be y.
When the Lock field is y, the vector cannot be changed by
adjunct vectoring programs such as Visual Vectors.

Attendant Vectoring and Meet-me Conference cannot be enabled
at the same time.

New options for vector steps

collect step. When the Meet-me Conf field is enabled, the collect vector step has been modified to collect the next six digits and use those digits as the access code for a Meet-me Conference call. See vector steps 1 and 3 in the example above.

goto step. The goto step vector step has two new conditions:
_ meet-me-idle
_ meet-me-full

The meet-me-idle condition routes the first caller accessing a Meet-me Conference to the conference call. An announcement step saying they are the first
party to access the call can be given to the caller. See vector steps 6 and 11 in the example above.

The meet-me-full condition is used when the Meet-me Conference already has the maximum of six parties on the call. See vector steps 7 and 14 in the example

The goto step vector also has a new option, meet-me access, for the digits condition to verify that the access code is valid. If the access code entered by the
caller equals the access code administered for the VDN, vector processing continues. See vector steps #2 and #4 in the example above.

route-to step. The route-to vector step has one new condition: meetme. When successful, this condition adds the caller to the Meet-me Conference call, and all
parties on the call hear an ôentryö tone to signify that another caller has joined the conference. This condition is valid when the caller has entered the correct access
code and there are not already six parties on the call. See vector steps 9 and 12 in the example above.

If the route to meetme step ever fails, vector processing stops and the caller hears busy tone.

Meet-me Conference vector scenario
Joe Davis has a sales review scheduled with four associates located in different
cities. He has reserved Meet-me Conference telephone number 865-253-6090. In switch administration, this number has been assigned to vector 90. See the following screen.


Extension: 36090
Name: Marketing Conf. Cal Host
Vector Number: 90

Meet-me Conferencing? y

COR: 1
TN: 1

VDN 36090 is administered with an access code of 835944. See the following



Conference Access Code: 835944
Conference Controller:

When each associate calls the Meet-me Conference telephone number, the
following vector processing occurs:

Number: 1 Name: Meet-me conf
Meet-me Conf? y Lock? y
Basic? y EAS? y G3V4 Enhanced? y ANI/II-Digits? y ASAI Routing? y
Prompting? y LAI? n G3V4 Adv Route? y CINFO? n BSR? n Holidays? y

01 collect 6 digits after announcement 12340
02 goto step 6 if digits = meet-me-access
03 collect 6 digits after announcement 12341
04 goto step 6 if digits = meet-me-access
05 disconnect after announcement 12342
06 goto step 11 if meet-me-idle
07 goto step 14 if meet-me-full
08 announcement 12343
09 route-to meetme
10 stop
11 announcement 12344
12 route-to meetme
13 stop
14 disconnect after announcement 12345
15 stop

Each caller hears announcement 12340, which says something similar to ôWelcome to the Meet-me Conferencing service. Enter your conference access code.ö Each caller enters the access code 835944.

The collect vector step 1 collects the access code digits. If the access code is valid, the vector processing continues with vector step 6. If the access code is invalid,
the vector processing continues with vector step 3, which plays announcement 12341. Announcement 12341 says something similar to ôThis access code is invalid. Please enter the access code again.ö If the caller enters the
wrong access code again, the vector processing continues with vector step 5, which plays announcement 12342. Announcement 12342 says something similar
to ôThis access code is invalid. Please contact the conference call coordinator to make sure you have the correct conference telephone number and access code.
Good bye.ö

Vector step 6 is only valid for the first caller into the Meet-me Conference. The meet-me-idle condition routes the first caller to announcement 12344 (vector
step 11). The recorded announcement says something similar to ôYou are the first party to join the call.ö The caller is then routed to the Meet-me Conference call by
vector step 12 and vector processing stops.

Vector step 7 is used when the Meet-me Conference already has the maximum of six parties on the call. The meet-me-full condition disconnects the caller after
playing announcement 12345 (vector step 14). The recorded announcement says something similar to ôThis Meet-me Conference is filled to capacity. Please
contact the conference call coordinator for assistance. Good byeö

If a caller enters the correct access code, is not the first caller, and the conference call is not full, vector processing continues with vector step 8, which plays
announcement 12343. The announcement says something similar to ôYour conference call is already in progress.ö The caller is then routed to the Meet-me Conference call by vector step 9 and vector processing stops. As each caller enters the conference call, all parties on the call will hear an ôentryö tone.

When the conference call is over and callers drop out of the conference call, any remaining parties on the call will hear an ôexitö tone.

Interactions for Meet-me Conference vectors

A non Meet-me Conference vector cannot be assigned to a Meet-me Conference VDN and a Meet-me Conference vector cannot be assigned to a non Meet-me
Conference VDN.

There will be no restrictions in vector chaining between Meet-me Conference and non Meet-me Conference vectors (for example, using the goto vector or route-to
number commands). When calls interflow from one type of vector processing to another, they will be removed from any queue (if applicable) and treated as new
calls to vectoring, not a continuation of vectoring.

Feature access codes

A new feature access code is added to allow the controlling user of a Meet-me
Conference VDN to change the access code.

Emergency Access to Attendant Access Code:
Enhanced EC500 Activation: Deactivation:
Extended Call Fwd Activate Busy D/A All: Deactivation:
Extended Group Call Pickup Access Code:
Facility Test Calls Access Code:
Flash Access Code:
Group Control Restrict Activation: Deactivation:
Hunt Group Busy Activation: Deactivation:
ISDN Access Code:
Last Number Dialed Access Code:
Leave Word Calling Message Retrieval Lock:
Leave Word Calling Message Retrieval Unlock:
Leave Word Calling Send A Message:
Leave Word Calling Cancel A Message:
Malicious Call Trace Activation: Deactivation:
Meet-me Conference Access Code Change: *49
PASTE (Display PBX data on Phone) Access Code:

All this information can be found at this link

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