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Better Alternative to VLookup and Hlookup

Best of Excel

Better Alternative to VLookup and Hlookup

by  Chance1234  Posted    (Edited  )

Personally i cant stand Vlookup & Hlookup formulas in excel, as far as im aware its just fodder left over from the days of Lotus123

A lot better way is to use sumproduct as it avoids a lot of the limitations

To give an example of this

On Sheet1 Starting at cell B2

Enter in the following column headings


Then under The headings enter in the following data

Adoption, 1 to 2 Years Old , 4
Adoption, 3 to 5 Years old, 5 
Adoption, 7 to 8 Years old , 2
Care, 1 to 2 Years Old , 4
Care, 3 To 5 years Old , 2
Care 7 To 8 Years Old, 3
Family 1 to 2 Years Old, 6
Family 3 To 5 Years Old, 4
Family 7 To 8 Years Old , 3

Etc etc etc etc

Now On Sheet2 starting at Cell B2

Enter in the following column headings

Type, 1 to 2 Years Old, 3 To 5 Yers old, 7 To 8 Years Old

And under Type (B3:B5)

NOw using the sumproduct formula, if i want to find out how many 3 to 5 Years Olds are in Care, i enter in the formula in D4 on sheet2 as follows

=SUMPRODUCT((Sheet1!B3:B11=B4)*(Sheet1!C3:C11 =D2)*(Sheet1!D3:D11))

And baddabing theres my answer, If i also use $ signs in my formula i can simply drag this across the grid to bring back all the values

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