Some of these formulas require that you have the Analysis ToolPak Add-in installed.
To install this Add-in go to [color green]Tools->Add-Ins...[/color] and select the Analysis ToolPak from the list.
Let's start with the simple formulas.
[color red]Please note that there are various ways to get the same results below..[/color]
Return the current date (w/ or w/o current time):
w/ time [color blue]=NOW()[/color]
w/o time [color blue]=TODAY()[/color]
[color red]NOTE: These formulas are "Volatile". This means that they recalculate EVERY time the workbook recalculates.[/color]
Excel stores it's dates as sequential serial numbers so they can be used in calculations. (i.e. January 1st, 1900 = 1, and January 1st, 2004 = 37987 because it's 37,986 days after January 1st, 1900.
You can test this by entering this formula: [color blue]=DATEVALUE(TODAY())[/color]
Return the day of the month for a specific date:
[color blue]=DAY(TODAY())[/color]
Return the day of the week for a specific date:
[color blue]=WEEKDAY(TODAY())[/color] [color green]For this to work you have to set the cell format to Custom format "dddd"[/color]
[color blue]=TEXT(WEEKDAY(TODAY()),"dddd")[/color] [color green] ' Returns text (i.e. no calculation allowed)[/color]
[color red]The [/color][color blue] WEEKDAY()[/color][color red] formula's syntax is as follows:[/color]
The first value is the date. For the second value, it depends on how the calendar is in your country.
[color blue]=WORKDAYS(A1,B1,Holidays)[/color]
[color green]A1 is the start date and B1 is the number of days in the period.[/color]
[color red]A few of the previous formulas use a Named Range in Excel that contains the dates for holidays, create one using the holidays from your region and the formulas will work.[/color]
DATEDIF() Syntax & Examples
Another way to calculate dates in Excel, is a function that has absolutely no documentation in the Excel Help File (except Excel 2000). This function is the [color blue]DATEDIF()[/color] function. It originates from Lotus 1-2-3.
The [color blue] DATEDIF()[/color] function uses the following syntax:
[color red]The start date has to be less than the end date, or else the function will return an error.[/color]
The following are the Unit Codes for the [color blue]DATEDIF()[/color] function:
1. "y" - The years in a period
2. "m" - The months in a period
3. "d" - The days in a period
4. "md" - The difference between the days in a period, w/o the months and years
5. "ym" - The difference between the months in a period, w/o the days and years
6. "yd" - The difference between the days in a period, w/o the years
To calculate the number of years between two dates
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