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How to convert eBO julian dates

eBackOffice Misc Utilities

How to convert eBO julian dates

by  Flloyd  Posted    (Edited  )
With the eBackOffice financial apps, the dates are stored in SQL as julian dates. The application uses two sp's, appdtjul_sp and appjuldt_sp to convert between gregorian and julian dates.

The essence of the conversion that you can paste into a SQL stored proc or trigger is this:

[color red]/* Return a date (today) as a julian date: */
SELECT datediff(dd,"1/1/80",getdate())+722815

/* Convert Julian to gregorian: */
SELECT dateadd(dd,@juldate-722815,"1/1/80")

The general formula to use in other environments is:

[color green]((y - 1) * 365) + (97y - 99) / 400 + days this year

NOTE: Use integer calculations removing the remainders from the result. This formula also works for leap year.[/color]

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