If you want an account that can only be used via ftp do the following, please remember the only user that will be able to ftp is ftponly, if you require other users to ftp edit the /etc/ftpusers file and either comment out (using a # at the start of the line) or remove the user from the file.
1) cat /etc/passwd|cut -f 1 -d: > /etc/ftpusers
2) At the prompt type
echo 'echo "This account only allows FTP Access."' > /bin/ftponly
make the file executable
chmod a+x /bin/ftponly
3) Next check to see if you have the file /etc/shells
a) If you have, edited the file and add
b) If not do
ls /bin/*sh > /etc/shells
then add the /bin/ftponly line
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