This is for an 800 but it should be pretty close for any X-modem upload
Mike S
Step 1 Increase the router console port baud rate:
router# set baud = 115200
Step 2 Reset the console port:
router# reset
Step 3 Optional. If you want the router console port to continue to run at 115,200 baud after you reboot, you can save the configuration:
router# save
Step 4 Change your host baud rate to 115,200.
For the new baud rate to take effect, you might need to save the new baud rate, exit from the terminal emulator, and establish a new session.
Step 5 Download the software image from the host:
router# upload xmodem
The following is an example of output displayed while the software is downloading:
Ready for X/Modem upload ...
[note: no status bar for xmodem transfers,
abort with Control-X or break]
upload: succeeded (312 seconds).
Step 6 From your host, enter the Xmodem send command for your terminal emulation software.
For example, if you are using HyperTerm, select Transfer > Send File. The Send File dialog box appears. Click Browse to locate the software image. Select XMODEM as the protocol, and click Send.
Step 7 Delete the old software image:
router# delete filename
You must have enough free Flash memory to store the new image. You may need to delete more than one old software image to free up enough Flash memory. To see the names of existing files in Flash memory, use the list command.
Step 8 Save the new software image to Flash memory:
router# save file = filename
where filename is the name of the new software image that was transferred to the router.
Step 9 Boot the new software image:
router# boot
Step 10 Optional. If you do not want the router console port to continue to run at 115,200 baud after you reboot, change your terminal emulation software to run at 9600 baud.
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