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How do I run a PHP script from cron?


How do I run a PHP script from cron?

by  bgarlock  Posted    (Edited  )
Have you ever written a PHP script for a webpage, and wanted it to run at a specified time? When you compile PHP as a DSO into apache, you have to use a browser to run the script. I often do this to query databases, and import data periodically to another database, using PHP. To automate the task, I use cron to run the PHP script. Here is the format that you need to use in your crontab:

0 6 * * * TERM=xterm; export TERM; /usr/bin/lynx -source "http://www.server.com/path/to/script.php" 1>/dev/null 2>&1

This would have the same effect as the user bringing the PHP script up in a browser, if all the script did was to perform actions, without any required user input.
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