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My perl script returns a 500 server error


My perl script returns a 500 server error

by  lilstevey  Posted    (Edited  )
First try the other suggestions in faq452-3023

Theres a handy little trick for situations like this.

Get rid of the content-type:text/html line, and put the following at the start of your script:


    print "Content-type: text/html \n\n";

my @code = ( <DATA> );

my $code = join "\n",@code;

eval $code;

print "Error : ".$@ if ( $@ );


Your script follows as normal here

This should work on a lot of simple scripts that you write yourself.

The way it works is by telling perl that your script ( the stuff after __DATA__ ) isn't perl, but data, so when perl first runs, it'll make no effort to understand it. Then, this data section is turned into a string, and perl runs it using eval, which will hopefully catch the errors ( if $@ ), and print them out.
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