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Member-suggested PHP editors

Debugging PHP

Member-suggested PHP editors

by  sleipnir214  Posted    (Edited  )
This is a list of PHP editors suggested by Tek-Tips members. This FAQ was compiled from posts to thread434-666709.

If you know of a product not on this list, please either email me through the ["]Send a comment["] feature of Tek-Tips
or post your recommendation to thread434-666709

On Linux:
URL: http://www.gphpedit.org/
License: GPL
Suggested by: Spout
Comments: I edit my PHP with gPHPEdit for Linux and it's ok, crashes occasionally but generally ok....

URL: http://kate.kde.org/
License: GPL
Suggested by: sleipnir214
Comments: it does syntax highlighting and has good editing features. I haven't used it much, though.

On Win32:
URL: http://www.editplus.com/
License: commercial
Suggested by: DRJ478
Comments: Includes FTP functionality, syntax highlighting etc.

URL: http://www.ultraedit.com
License: commercial
Suggested by: sleipnir214

URL: http://www.chami.com/html-kit/
License: closed-source freeware. user may not redistribute.
Suggested by: os400
Comments: I've been using HTMLKit for a while. Has the ability to provide line numbers, previews and
create plugins.

NotePad Light
URL: http://www.notetab.com/ntl.php
License: closed-source freeware
Suggested by: csniffer
Comments: it shows line numbers will do a bit of the html for u and has an addin for php that has the
same affect as the html (will write the code for u but never used it so donÆt know how good it is) but
does not highlight code

URL: http://phpedit.net/
License: Q Public license (text: http://www.phpedit.net/products/PHPEdit/license/)
Suggested by: ArkM
Comments: true IDE

Winsyntax editor
URL: http://www.winsyntax.com/
License: closed-source freeware
Suggested by: ArkM
Comments: compact, PHP syntax+help.

Zend Studio
URL: http://www.zend.com/
License: closed-source commercial
Suggested by: skiflyer
And now, that someone else is footing the bill, I'm really won over by Zend Studio, at least
for the big jobs.

It's still easier for me to pop open a simple text editor for alot of scripts, but for my
projects with 50+ files and 10's of thousands of lines, the IDE really pays off in time saved.

The debugger is quite nice as well for some of those hard to track down problems when you just
don't feel like footprinting all your code to find the specific problem.

It's not perfect, there are certainly changes I would make to it if I had the chance, but it's
a very nice tool, and quickly becoming invaluable to me on my larger projects. Not to mention
the fact that I spend alot less time at php.net determining the argument order for rarely used
functions as it tells me straight away what to do.

á á á á URL: áhttp://phpeditor.net.tf/
á á á á License: X/MIT License (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html)
á á á á Suggested by: Itshim
á á á á Comments:
One of the easiest to configure and use. áIt offers code hints and templates, for numerous
languages, a debugger (using Xdebug), code browser, and a slew of other features. áIt is slowly
growing into a full IDE.

Platform agnostic:
URL: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html
License: GPL
Suggested by: skiflyer
Comments: I use emacs with php major mode. You have about a zillion options. I won't even get into
what this program includes, it's a mini-city of features... including the infamous built in
psychiatrist and time wasting ascii games!
emacs uses software plugins called ["]modesp"] to provide syntax-highlighting, etc. The PHP
mode is available at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/php-mode/

URL: http://www.eclipse.org
License: IBM's Common Public License
Suggested by: rrsub
Comments: Kind of robust but Eclipse with the PHP plugin works well.

URL: http://www.vim.org/
License: unclear. Most likely BSD
Suggested by: danielhozac
Comments: gvim will make a good job, but it's multi-buffer support is quite a pain to deal with.

This is a list of PHP editors suggested by Tek-Tips members. This FAQ was compiled from posts to thread434-666709.

If you know of a product not on this list, please either email me through the ["]Send a comment["] feature of Tek-Tips or post your recommendation to thread434-666709

Another good place to look might be http://www.php-editors.com . The site (available at the time this FAQ was updated) has reviews, etc.
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