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How do I not reinvent functions previously created

Informix 4GL Functions

How do I not reinvent functions previously created

by  olded  Posted    (Edited  )
Miscellaneous Informix 4GL functions

abs(val) # returns the absolute value of a integer
abs_dec10() # returns the absolute value of a decimal
parse_str() # parses string by character delimiter
rt_just() # right justify a string
ret_day() # takes a date and returns a three character day
replace() # replace in string occurrences of old pattern with new pattern
is_online() # returns true if the database is online else false
row_locked() # tests the sqlca.sqlerrd[2] variable to check if record locked
squeeze() # squeezes out all the spaces in a string
squ_any_char() # squeezes out a particlar character from a string

Datetime functions:

# define
# v1 integer,
# v2 decimal(10)

#let v1 = -31
#let v2 = -45.78
#let v1=abs(v1)
#let v2=abs_dec10(v2)
#display v1
#display v2
#end main

function abs(val)
# This function will return the absolute value of val

define val integer

if val < 0
let val = -val
end if
return val

end function
# abs()

function abs_dec10(val)
# This function will return the absolute value of val

define val decimal(10)

if val < 0
let val = -val
end if
return val

end function
# abs_dec10()
# tmp_string CHAR(20),
# ret_string CHAR(10),

#let cnt = 1
#let tmp_string = "first|second|third"
#while cnt > 0
# call parse_str("|", cnt, tmp_string) returning ret_string, cnt
# if ret_string is not null and ret_string != " "
# then
# display ret_string
# end if
#end while

#end main

# This function searches string for an instance of char_delim
# starting at position cnt and returns the string ending at the next
# char_delim or the end of string
function parse_str(char_delim, cnt, string)
char_delim CHAR(1), # character delimiter
cnt SMALLINT, # postion in string to start counting
string CHAR(300), # string to search
ret_string CHAR(40), # string returned
i, # index
x, # counter
string_len SMALLINT # string length

LET string_len = LENGTH(string)

IF string_len = 0 # got a null string

IF string[cnt] = char_delim
LET cnt = cnt + 1 # get off the delimiter
IF cnt > string_len
THEN # return when the end of the string is reached

LET x = 1
FOR i = cnt TO string_len
IF string = char_delim
LET ret_string[x] = string # save a character
LET x = x + 1
end for

return ret_string, i # return the positon ended
end function

# define
# str char(10)

#let str = rt_just("fred", 10)
#display str
#end main

function rt_just(strng, lngth)
# This function returns a padded string of an argument length. The
# returned string is right justified with leading blanks.
# The calling routine must include the actual string as well as the
# required length of the string (16 or 64) is anticipated but not
# required.
strng char(64),
lngth, y, z smallint,
n, m, x, cnt smallint,
new_string char(64),
ret_strng char(64)

let new_string = " "
let cnt = 1
let n = length(strng)
if n = 0 then
return " "
end if
let y = 0
let z = 0
while y <= n
let y = y + 1
if strng[y] = " " then
continue while
let z = z + 1
let new_string[z] = strng[y]
end if
end while
let m = lngth - z
let x = m+1
while cnt <= m
let ret_strng[cnt] = " "
let cnt = cnt + 1
end while
let ret_strng[x,lngth] = new_string
return ret_strng[1,lngth]
end function
# rt_just()

# define
# str char(3),
# ddate date

# let ddate = today
# let str = ret_day(ddate)
# display str
#end main

function ret_day(retday)
# This function takes a date and returns a three character day
# sun thru sat

retday date,
x smallint

let x = weekday(retday)

when x = 0
return "SUN"
when x = 1
return "MON"
when x = 2
return "TUE"
when x = 3
return "WED"
when x = 4
return "THU"
when x = 5
return "FRI"
when x = 6
return "SAT"
return "NON"
end case

end function
# ret_day()

# string char(80)

# let string = replace("The Old Thing", "Old", "New")
# display string
#end main

# This function replaces all occurrences of old pattern
# in the string with the new pattern. After all
# replacements are completed, this function returns the modified string.
function replace(string, old_pattern, new_pattern)
string char(512), # string for replacement.
old_pattern char(20), # pattern to be found in the string.
new_pattern char(20), # string to replace the old pattern.
i, # index
old_len, # length of the old_pattern
new_len, # length of the new_pattern
str_len smallint # length of the original string

# get the lengths of the parameters passed in.
let old_len = length(old_pattern clipped)
let new_len = length(new_pattern clipped)
let str_len = length(string clipped)

if old_len = 0 or str_len = 0 then # got a null string
return string # without any changes being made
end if

# Set the index pointer into the string, 0 = before first character.
let i = 0

# Go through each character of the source string, one at a time.
while i <= (str_len - old_len + 1)
# update the index pointer
let i = i + 1

# See if the old pattern is found starting at the i position
if string[i,(i+old_len-1)] = old_pattern
then # replace
if i = 1
then # old pattern is at the front of the source string
if string = old_pattern
then # replacing one word
let string = new_pattern clipped
else # more after this word, thus tack the remaining on to the end
let string = new_pattern clipped,
string[(i+old_len),str_len] clipped
end if
else # the pattern is buried in the middle or at the end of the string
if i+old_len-1 = str_len
then # at the end of the string
let string = string[1,(i-1)],new_pattern
else # buried in the middle, so something to tack on to the end
let string = string[1,(i-1)],new_pattern clipped,
string[(i+old_len),str_len] clipped
end if
end if
# adjust string length and adjust i to bypass the new pattern
let str_len = length(string clipped)
let i = i + new_len - 1
end if
end while

# return the modified string
return string
end function
# replace()

#database jet
#if is_online()
# display "we're running online"
# display "we're probably running S.E."
#end if
#end main

function is_online()
# returning true if using the online engine else false

select rowid from syscolumns
where colname = "dirpath" and tabid = 1
if sqlca.sqlcode = notfound
return true
return false
end if
end function
# is_online()

function row_locked()
# This function tests the sqlca.sqlerrd[2] variable to determine if
# a lock can be granted. Returns true if locked and false if not.
# sample sqlca.sqlerrd[2] immediately after the data management statement
# being tested.

define locked smallint

when sqlca.sqlerrd[2] = -107
let locked = true

when sqlca.sqlerrd[2] = -113
let locked = true

when sqlca.sqlerrd[2] = -134
let locked = true

when sqlca.sqlerrd[2] = -143
let locked = true

when sqlca.sqlerrd[2] = -144
let locked = true

when sqlca.sqlerrd[2] = -154
let locked = true

let locked = false

end case

return locked

end function
# row_locked()

# define scratch char(50)

#let scratch = squeeze("a line needs the spaces removed")
#display scratch
#end main

function squeeze(source_string)
# This function returns the passed in string with all of the
# spaces squeezed out of it.
# source_string String to be searched.

define source_string char(512),
source_len, # source string length
i,j smallint # counters

# get the length of the source string
let source_len = length(source_string clipped)

# step through the string one character at a time.
for i = source_len to 1 step -1
if source_string = " "
then # squeeze it!
if i < 80
# move all characters to the right of the space,
# one position to the left.
for j = i to source_len-1
let source_string[j] = source_string[j+1]
end for
# blank last character to remove repeating last character
let source_string[source_len] = " "
end if
end if
end for

# return the squeezed string
return source_string clipped

end function
# squeeze(source_string)

# define scratch char(50)

#let scratch = squ_any_char("first|second|third", "|")
#display scratch
#end main

function squ_any_char(string, any_char)
# This function returns the passed in string with all of
# any_char squeezed out of it.

define string char(512),
any_char char(1), # character to squeeze
len smallint, # source string length
i,j smallint # counters

# get the length of the source string
let len = length(string clipped)

# step through the string one character at a time.
for i = len to 1 step -1
if string = any_char then # squeeze it!
if i < 80 then
# move all characters to the right of the space, one position to the left.
for j = i to len-1
let string[j] = string[j+1]
end for
# blank last character to remove repeating last character
let string[len] = " "
end if
end if
end for

# return the squeezed string
return string clipped
end function
# squ_any_char()

# There functions build datetime datatypes from a date and a time string.
# They also return the number of minutes and hours between two datetimes
# The interval between the two datetimes can't go over the scale of the
# defined datetime datatypes or these functions break.
# The return_min or return_hr functions work on an informix datatype
# interval. Be advised, you may have to change the range of the
# datetime and interval parameters to suit your purposes.
define dt_in, dt_out datetime year to fraction(5),
dinter interval day to minute,
date_in, date_out, ddate date,
time_in, time_out, ttime char(4),
tot_min integer,
tot_hrs decimal(10,2),
err_found smallint

whenever error continue
let date_in = "08/20/2002"
let time_in = "1330"
let date_out = "08/21/2002"
let time_out = "1300"

# build date times
call date_to_int(date_in, time_in) returning dt_in, err_found
call date_to_int(date_out, time_out) returning dt_out, err_found
let dinter = dt_out - dt_in

# get the number of minutes between the two datetimes
let tot_min = return_min(dinter)
display "Total minutes between in and out: ", tot_min

# get the number of seconds between the two datetimes
let tot_hrs = return_hr(dinter)
display "Total hours between in and out: ", tot_hrs

# break out the date and time from a datetime type
call int_to_date(dt_in) returning ddate, ttime, err_found
display "Date is ", ddate
display "Time is ", ttime

end main

function date_to_str(dd)
# This function takes a date type and returns a string of the type:
# yyyy-mm-dd

define dd date,
bufyy, bufmm, bufdd smallint,
daystr char(14)

let bufyy = year(dd)
let bufmm = month(dd)
let bufdd = day(dd)

let daystr = bufyy using "####", "-"
let daystr = daystr clipped, bufmm using "##", "-"
let daystr = daystr clipped, bufdd using "##"

if daystr is null
let daystr = ""
end if

return daystr
end function
# date_to_str(dd)

function return_min(dinter)
# This function takes an interval string and then returns the number of
# minutes. This is only works if the interval is defined day-to-minute

define dinter interval day to minute,
dstring char(14),
dday char(4),
dhr char(2),
dmin char(2),
aday smallint,
ahr smallint,
amin smallint,
totmin integer

let dstring = dinter
#do the day
let dday[1] = dstring[1]
let dday[2] = dstring[2]
let dday[3] = dstring[3]
#do the time
let dhr[1] = dstring[5]
let dhr[2] = dstring[6]
let dmin[1] = dstring[8]
let dmin[2] = dstring[9]

#change data type
let aday = dday
let ahr = dhr
let amin = dmin

#if negative interval
if dday[1] = "-" or
dday[2] = "-" or
dday[3] = "-"
let ahr = ahr * (-1)
let amin = amin * (-1)
end if
let totmin = (aday * 24 * 60) + (ahr * 60) + amin

if totmin is null
let totmin = 0
end if

return totmin
end function
# return_min()

function return_hr(dinter)
# This function takes an interval string and then returns the number of
# hours. This is only works if the interval is defined day-to-minute

define dinter interval day to minute,
dstring char(14),
dday char(4),
dhr char(2),
dmin char(2),
aday smallint,
ahr smallint,
amin smallint,
tothr decimal(10)

let dstring = dinter
#do the day
let dday[1] = dstring[1]
let dday[2] = dstring[2]
let dday[3] = dstring[3]
#do the time
let dhr[1] = dstring[5]
let dhr[2] = dstring[6]
let dmin[1] = dstring[8]
let dmin[2] = dstring[9]

#change data type
let aday = dday
let ahr = dhr
let amin = dmin

#if negative interval
if dday[1] = "-" or
dday[2] = "-" or
dday[3] = "-"
let ahr = ahr * (-1)
let amin = amin * (-1)
end if
let tothr = (aday * 24) + ahr + (amin/60.0)

if tothr is null
let tothr = 0.0
end if

return tothr
end function
# return_hr()

function date_to_int(dd,ss)
# This function takes a date and time string and returns an informix date
# time year to minute. For error checking, if the date or time is bad,
# typically null, return true else false if conversion was good
# this was modified from base datetime conversion which was datetime
# year to minute to handle datetime year to fraction(5)
define dd date,
ss char(4),
retstr datetime year to fraction(5),
bufstr char(25),
daystr char(14),
time_buf char(5)

let retstr = current

if dd is null or dd = 0
then #date error
return retstr, true
end if

if not ck_time(ss)
return retstr, true
end if

#do the time
let time_buf[1] = ss[1]
let time_buf[2] = ss[2]
let time_buf[3] = ":"
let time_buf[4] = ss[3]
let time_buf[5] = ss[4]
#do the date
let daystr = date_to_str(dd)

#do the date string
let bufstr = daystr clipped, " ", time_buf clipped,
let retstr = bufstr

return retstr,false
end function
# date_to_int(dd,ss)

function secs_to_int(dd,ss)
# This function takes a date and time string and returns an informix date
# time year to fraction(5). For error checking, if the date or time is bad,
# typically null, return true else false if conversion was good

define dd date,
ss char(6),
retstr datetime year to fraction(5),
bufstr char(25),
daystr char(14),
time_buf char(8)

let retstr = current

if dd is null or dd = 0
then #date error
return retstr, true
end if

if not ck_time(ss)
return retstr, true
end if

#do the time
let time_buf[1] = ss[1]
let time_buf[2] = ss[2]
let time_buf[3] = ":"
let time_buf[4] = ss[3]
let time_buf[5] = ss[4]
let time_buf[6] = ":"
let time_buf[7] = ss[5]
let time_buf[8] = ss[6]
#do the date
let daystr = date_to_str(dd)

#do the date string
let bufstr = daystr clipped, " ", time_buf clipped,
let retstr = bufstr

return retstr,false
end function
# secs_to_int(dd,ss)

function int_to_date(p_date)
# Receives a datetime variable and returns a date and char(4) with time

define p_date datetime year to fraction(5),
r_date date,
date_str char(25),
r_time char(4)

if p_date is null
let r_date = null
let r_time = "0000"
return r_date,r_time, 1
end if

let r_date = mdy(month(p_date),day(p_date),year(p_date))
let date_str = p_date

let r_time[1] = date_str[12]
let r_time[2] = date_str[13]
let r_time[3] = date_str[15]
let r_time[4] = date_str[16]

return r_date,r_time, 0
end function
# int_to_date()

function dtaddhrs(dt, hrs)
# RETURNS: dt - The datetime value (dt) after adding hours (hrs) to it.
# Used to add hours (consisting of hours and a fraction of hours) to
# a given datetime value and return the result to the calling function.
# [
dt datetime year to fraction(5), # Datetime value to add to
hrs decimal(8,2), # Hours to add to datetime value
mins smallint # Minutes conversion factor

let mins = (hrs * 60)
let dt = dt + mins units minute

return dt

end function
# dtaddhrs()

function yr_of_date(din, digs)
# RETURNS: yr - year of the given date value (din). -1 indicates an error.
# Used to extract the year from a date value.
# [
din date, # A value of null specifies "today" as the date
digs smallint, # Digits of precision (2 or 4--default is 2)
dstr char(20), # Date time string value
yrstr char(4), # Date time string value
yr smallint # The extracted year

if din is null
let din = today
end if

# Default to current year
if digs = 4
let dstr = extend(din, year to month)
let yrstr = dstr[1,4]
let dstr = din
let yrstr = dstr[7,8]
end if
let yr = yrstr

if yr is null then let yr = -1 end if

return yr

end function
# yr_of_date()

function ck_time(f_time)
# This function returns true if the input value of f_time
# is in the correct hhmm format and doesn't exceed 2359
# returning 0 or -1

define f_time char(4),
m1, m2, m3, m4 char(1),
i1, i2, i3, i4 smallint,
hrs, mns smallint

let m1 = f_time[1]
let m2 = f_time[2]
let m3 = f_time[3]
let m4 = f_time[4]

#check each diget being numeric
if not ck_diget(m1) or not ck_diget(m2) or not ck_diget(m3) or
not ck_diget(m4)
return false
end if

let i1 = m1
let i2 = m2
let i3 = m3
let i4 = m4

let hrs = (i1 * 10) + i2
let mns = (i3 * 10) + i4

if hrs > 23 or mns > 59
return false
return true
end if

end function
# ck_time()

function ck_diget(cc)
define cc char(1)

if cc is null
return false
end if

if cc = "0" or cc = "1" or cc = "2" or cc = "3" or cc = "4"
or cc = "5" or cc = "6" or cc = "7" or cc = "8" or cc = "9"
return true
return false
end if

end function
# ck_diget()
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