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5 steps to asking a question

__General FAQ__

5 steps to asking a question

by  onpnt  Posted    (Edited  )
1) [color red]Make a descriptive subject line
- For us to help you better and for later searching to help others.[/color]

2) [color red]Explain what the code is doing.
Example: I have written a function to utilize the mid() and instr() built in functions to extract the last three digits of a image name. example would be: image name = 123456.jpg and the output should return 456
Here is my function:.....[/color]

3) [color red]If errors are present, copy/paste the exact error[/color]

4) [color red]If the error points to a specific line, copy/paste that line
(note: not the entire script, as this gets overwhelming)[/color]

5) [color red]Post all related lines and or processes that need to run "first" for the line in error to execute.
Example: If the error is in a .Open statement then post the SQL statement and connections etc...

With this short 5 step structure to ask a question we will be far better able to help you get the problem occuring resolved.
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