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How do I page through a Recordset?

ASP 101

How do I page through a Recordset?

by  jfriestman  Posted    (Edited  )
Wonder how to page through a large Recordset only showing X number of records at a time? So do a lot of folks, this question gets asked so many times here, I decided to put together a VBScript Class that will allow people to page a recordset. Here's the code and a page that will do it, just copy paste it into your favorite editor and start experimenting. You can definitely make the table prettier and should probably add some error handling... anyway, happy coding!
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>

'include a reference to the ADO type library
'so we can use the ADO constants
FILE="C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO\msado20.tlb"

Response.Buffer = True
Dim iCurrentPage
iCurrentPage = Request.QueryString ("pg")
If iCurrentPage = "" Then iCurrentPage = 1

Dim oPg
Set oPg = New DbPager

'Set public properties of the Pager Class

With oPg
.DataSource = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data_Source=(local); Initial Catalog=Northwind; User Id=sa; Password=;"
.RecsPerPage = 10
.SQL = "SELECT * FROM Customers ORDER BY CompanyName"
.ShowPageNumbers = True
.ShowPage (iCurrentPage)
End With


Class DbPager

'Set a few module level variables
Private m_sDSN
Private m_sSQL
Private m_iRecsPerPage
Private m_bShowPageNumbers

'datasource for the Data Page
Public Property Let DataSource(NewValue) 'As String
m_sDSN = NewValue
End Property

'sql statement to generate the page
Public Property Let SQL(NewValue) 'As String
m_sSQL = NewValue
End Property

'number of records you want per page
Public Property Let RecsPerPage (NewValue) 'As Integer
m_iRecsPerPage = NewValue
End Property

'Boolean to indicate whether or not to show all the page numbers
Public Property Let ShowPageNumbers(NewValue) 'As Boolean
m_bShowPageNumbers = CBool(NewValue)
End Property

'set default values
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
ShowPageNumbers = True
m_iRecsPerPage = 10
End Sub

'INPUT: Page you want to show
Public Sub ShowPage (iCurrentPage)

Dim Rs
Set Rs = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")

With Rs
.CacheSize = m_iRecsPerPage
.PageSize = m_iRecsPerPage '# of records / page
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
'Absolute Page requires Keyset or Static cursor
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.Open m_sSQL, m_sDsn
.AbsolutePage = iCurrentPage 'Set the page
End With

'Number of fields, number of pages
Dim iNumFields, iNumPages
iNumFields = Rs.Fields.Count
iNumPages = Rs.PageCount

Dim i, iFld, iRec

Response.Write "<TABLE Border=1 Width='100%'>"

'a routine to write the page navigation
WriteNavigation iCurrentPage, iNumPages, iNumFields

'Write all the field names
'as column headings
Response.Write "<TR>"
For iFld = 0 To iNumFields - 1
Response.Write "<TD>" & Rs.Fields(iFld).Name & "</TD>"
Response.Write "<TR>"

'Write the cell values
For i = 1 To m_iRecsPerPage
If Rs.EOF Then Exit For
Response.Write "<TR>"
For iFld = 0 To iNumFields - 1
Response.Write "<TD>" & Rs.Fields(iFld).Value & "</TD>"
Response.Write "</TR>"

Response.Write "</TABLE>"
Set Rs = Nothing

End Sub

'INPUT: Current Page, Number of total pages, number of fields
'OUTPUT: Html for navigating the recordset
Private Sub WriteNavigation(iCurrentPage, iNumPages, iNumFields)

Dim i, sScriptName

sScriptName = Request.ServerVariables ("SCRIPT_NAME")

iCurrentPage = CInt(iCurrentPage)

Dim iPreviousPage, iNextPage
'at the first page so set the previous page to the last page
If iCurrentPage = 1 Then
iPreviousPage = iNumPages
iPreviousPage = iCurrentPage - 1
End If

'at the last page so set the next page to the first page
If iCurrentPage = iNumPages Then
iNextPage = 1
iNextPage = iCurrentPage + 1
End If

Response.Write "<TR>"
Response.Write "<TD Colspan='" & iNumFields & "' Align=Center>"

'previous page
Response.Write "Prev "

'if show all page numbers (clickable)
'this can get out of hand with big recordsets
If m_bShowPageNumbers Then
For i = 1 To iNumPages
If i = iCurrentPage Then
Response.Write "<B>" & i & "</B>"
Response.Write ""
Response.Write i & " "
End If
Response.Write " "
End If

'next page navigation
Response.Write " Next "
Response.Write "</TD>"
Response.Write "</TR>"
End Sub

End Class
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