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How can I format users input (for a forum entry etc) ?


How can I format users input (for a forum entry etc) ?

by  BigBadDave  Posted    (Edited  )
Ever wondered how you can convert www . my-link . com, into a click-able hyperlink, when a user submits data to a forum post etc ?

Here's how :

1.) Get the data

[color green]data = Request.Form("data")[/color]

2.) Get the data into an array of words (splitting up where a space occurs)

[color green]data = Split(data, " ")[/color]

3.) Get the length of the array

[color green]datalength = UBound(data)[/color]

4.) Replace www . with the full HTML href code (for every word in the array)

[color green]For x = 0 to datalength
If Instr(data(x),"www .") Then
data(x) = "<a href=""h ttp://" & data(x) & """ target=""_blank"">" & data(x) & "</a>"
End If

5.) Join your string back up to output

[color green]data = Join(data, " ")[/color]

6.) Print final string

[color green]Response.Write data[/color]

Complete Code :

[color green]<%
data = Request.Form("data")
data = Split(data, " ")
datalength = UBound(data)
For x = 0 to datalength
If Instr(data(x),"www .") Then
data(x) = "<a href=""h ttp://" & data(x) & """ target=""_blank"">" & data(x) & "</a>"
End if
data = Join(data, " ")
Response.Write data


Big Bad Dave

[img http://www.byngdesigns.co.uk/tek-tips/spider.gif]

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