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How do I connect users to specific remote printers?

User Administration

How do I connect users to specific remote printers?

by  sparkbyte  Posted    (Edited  )
This is a script that I hope would of interest to this group. I have seen MANY requests for scripts to connect to individual remote printers based on "some" criteria. I developed this script to connect to remote printers on our print server based on a users branch number.

Thanks are due to dm4ever,PHV,tsuji and many others for their contributions over the past year or so with my many questions.

Hopefully someone will find this usefull.

'*  Script by:  John Fuhrman
'*    Date:        2007, Nov 6
'*    Description:
'*    This script connects to printers based on a users
'*    branch number using a dictionary object. The
'*    script also will not reconnect to an already
'*    connected printer.
'* The [red][b]strPrnServer[/b][/red] value will need to be set to 
'* whatever your printer servers name or IP is.
Option Explicit 

Dim WSHShell: Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim WSHNetwork: Set WSHNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Dim fso: Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

'Grab the user name
Dim UserString: UserString = WSHNetwork.UserName

'strUser = objUser.Name
Dim strBranch: strBranch = (Left(UserString,3)) ' Grab the first 3 characters of the username

'    If the user does not have a branch number prefix prompt for
'    the user the the branch number.
        If IsNumeric(strBranch) = False Then 
            Call UserPrompt() ' function sets the user bank#
        End If 

Dim objDictPrnts: Set objDictPrnts = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
objDictPrnts.CompareMode = vbTextCompare

Dim strPrnServer: [red][b]strPrnServer[/b][/red] = "lxolcdprn01"
Dim objWMIService: Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strPrnServer & "\root\cimv2")

Dim colInstalledPrinters: Set colInstalledPrinters =  objWMIService.ExecQuery _
    ("Select * from Win32_Printer")

Dim objPrinter
For Each objPrinter in colInstalledPrinters
' create a dictionary to store our printer paths
Dim strBKtemp: strBKtemp = UCase(Mid(objPrinter.Name,1,3))
objDictPrnts.Add "\\" & strPrnServer & "\" & objPrinter.Name, UCase(Mid(objPrinter.Name,1,3))

' loop through the path's that were not found and add them
Dim PrinterPath
For Each PrinterPath In objDictPrnts.Keys
Dim strBkPrinter: strBkPrinter = UCase(PrinterPath)
    If objDictPrnts.Item(strBkPrinter) = strBranch Then 
        WSHNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection PrinterPath
    End If 


Function UserPrompt()
UserPrompt = InputBox("User's numeric prefix not identified." &_
    vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Enter the User's Branch Number.")
    If UserPrompt = False Then Call UserError(1)
    If UserPrompt = "" Then Call UserError(2)
    strBranch = UserPrompt
End Function


Sub UserError(Error)
    If Error = "1" Then MsgBox("Canceled")
    If Error = "2" Then MsgBox("User's Branch Number not entered.")
End Sub

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