Follow along with the video below to see how to install our site as a web app on your home screen.
Note: This feature may not be available in some browsers.
<script language="vbscript">
Option Explicit
' On Error Resume Next
Dim strDefSel: strDefSel = "WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM"
Sub Window_OnLoad
' On Error Resume Next
window.document.title = "WMI Cimv2 Classes on: " & GetLocCompName 'set title with local computername by calling function
window.document.getElementById("PCName").InnerHTML = GetLocCompName 'set computername in header <h1> tag
window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").focus 'focus to the inputbox to specify another pc
GetClasses 'automatically load classes.
End Sub
Sub GetClasses
' On Error Resume Next
Dim strComputer, objWMIService, objclass, objArray, classname, strOutput, strTemp, objIE
strComputer = UCase(window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value) 'get computername from input box
If strComputer = "" Or strComputer = GetLocCompName Or strComputer = "LOCALHOST" Or strComputer = "" Or strComputer = "." Then
strComputer = GetLocCompName 'if input box is empty, use local computer name by calling a Function
window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value = strComputer
window.document.getElementById("PCName").innerHTML = strComputer & " (Local)"
window.document.getElementById("PCName").innerHTML = strComputer 'set computer name in header if different from local
End If
If Ping(strComputer) = False Then 'test connectivity with ping Function
alert "Computer specified is unreachable!!"
window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value = "" 'reset input box if the machine is unreachable
Exit Sub
End If
window.document.title = "WMI Cimv2 Classes on: " & strComputer 'set title to new computer name if different from local
Set objIE = IEProgressBar("Retrieving Cimv2 Class Names...") 'display progress window
On Error Resume Next
Set objWMIService = objWMI(strComputer, "classes") 'query remote machine for classes
If IsEmpty(objWMIService) Then
objIE.Quit 'terminate IE if error is encountered with WMI connection
Set objIE = Nothing
window.document.getElementById("classes").innerHTML = ""
window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = ""
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set objArray = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") 'create .Net array
For Each objclass in objWMIService.SubclassesOf()
objArray.Add objClass.Path_.Class 'add to array
objArray.Sort 'sort array
strOutput = "<select id='classname'>" 'begin building drop down
For Each classname In objArray
strTemp = classname
If UCase(strTemp) = UCase(strDefSel) Then 'define the default selected class
strOutput = strOutput & "<option value='" & strTemp & "' selected>" & strTemp & "</option>"
strOutput = strOutput & "<option value='" & strTemp & "'>" & strTemp & "</option>"
End If
Set objIE = Nothing
Set objArray = Nothing
window.document.getElementById("classes").innerHTML = strOutput & "</select>" 'write out to body
GetClassValues 'automatically get class values
End Sub
Sub GetClassValues
' On Error Resume Next
Dim wmiQuery, colItems, objItem, strOutput, strComputer, strClass, objProp
Dim strName, strValue, objIE, strWQL
strComputer = UCase(window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value) 'get computername from input box
If strComputer = "" Or strComputer = GetLocCompName Or strComputer = "LOCALHOST" Or strComputer = "" Or strComputer = "." Then
strComputer = GetLocCompName 'if input box is empty, use local computer name by calling a Function
window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value = strComputer
End If
strClass = window.document.getElementById("classname").value
strWQL = window.document.getElementById("wql").value
strDefSel = UCase(strClass)
If strWQL = "" Or IsNull(strWQL) Then
wmiQuery = "Select * From " & strClass 'define WMI query
wmiQuery = "Select * From " & strClass & " Where " & strWQL
End If
' begin building table
Set objIE = IEProgressBar("Retrieving " & strClass & " Values...")
On Error Resume Next
Set colItems = objWMI(strComputer, wmiQuery) 'retrieve WMI collection by calling the objWMI function
If IsEmpty(colItems) Then
Set objIE = Nothing
window.document.getElementById("classes").innerHTML = ""
window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = ""
Exit Sub
End If
If colItems.Count = 0 Then
Set objIE = Nothing
window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = "This class contains no data or you supplied an invalid query!"
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
strOutput = "<strong>Class Name:</strong> " & _
"<a href='" & _
strClass & "' target='blank_'>" & _
strClass & "</a><br /><strong>Instances:</strong> " & _
colItems.Count & "<br /><table width='100%' border='0'>" & _
"<tr><td style='text-decoration:underline'><strong>Property Name</strong></td>" & _
"<td style='text-decoration:underline'><strong>Value</strong></td></tr>"
For Each objItem In colItems 'loop through the collection
For Each objProp In objItem.Properties_
strName = objProp.Name
If IsArray(objProp.Value) Then
strValue = Join(objProp.Value, ";") 'if value is an array, join them
strValue = objProp.Value
End If
If Not (IsNull(strValue) Or strValue = "") Then 'only display properties with values
If ValUTC(strValue) Then ' check to see if value is UTC
strValue = ConvertDT(strValue) ' convert to normal date/time format
End If
strOutput = strOutput & "<tr>" & _
"<td>" & strName & "</td>" & _
"<td>" & strValue & "</td>" & _
End If
strOutput = strOutput & "<tr><td colspan='2'><hr></td></tr>"
window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = strOutput & "</table>" 'display data
Set objIE = Nothing
Set colItems = Nothing
End Sub
Function GetLocCompName
' On Error Resume Next
Dim objNetwork
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
GetLocCompName = UCase(objNetwork.ComputerName) 'get local computer name
Set objNetwork = Nothing
End Function
Function Ping(strRmtPC)
' On Error Resume Next
Dim wmiQuery, objPing, objStatus, blnStatus
wmiQuery = "Select * From Win32_PingStatus Where Address = '" & strRmtPC & "'"
Set objPing = objWMI(".", wmiQuery)
For Each objStatus in objPing
If IsNull(objStatus.StatusCode) Or objStatus.Statuscode<>0 Then
blnStatus = False 'Not Reachable
blnStatus = True 'Reachable
End If
Ping = blnStatus
Set objPing = Nothing
End Function
Function objWMI(strComputer, strWQL)
' On Error Resume Next
Dim wmiNS, objWMIService, objSWbemLocator, objSWbemServices
Dim strUID, strPwd
wmiNS = "\root\cimv2"
strUID = window.document.getElementById("strUserID").value
strPwd = window.document.getElementById("strPass").value
If strComputer = "." Or strComputer = GetLocCompName Then 'prevent alternate credentials for local machine
strUID = ""
strPwd = ""
End If
Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
On Error Resume Next
Set objSWbemServices = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer _
(strComputer, wmiNS, strUID, strPwd)
Select Case Err.Number
Case -2147024891
window.document.getElementById("accessdenied").innerHTML = "Access Denied! Please check the credentials supplied."
Exit Function
End Select
On Error GoTo 0
window.document.getElementById("accessdenied").innerHTML = ""
Select Case UCase(strWQL)
Set objWMI = objSWbemServices
Case Else
Set objWMI = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery(strWQL)
End Select
Set objSWbemServices = Nothing
Set objSWbemLocator = Nothing
End Function
Function ValUTC(strInput)
Dim RegEx: Set RegEx = New RegExp
RegEx.Pattern = "\d{14}\.\d{6}\D{1}\d{3}" ' check for value similar to this 20070202230659.500000-480
RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
RegEx.Global = True
ValUTC = RegEx.Test(strInput)
Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function
Function ConvertDT(strDT)
' On Error Resume Next
Dim objTime: Set objTime = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
objTime.Value = strDT
ConvertDT = objTime.GetVarDate 'convert UTC to Standard Time; from 20070202230659.500000-480 to 2/2/2007 11:06:59 PM
Set objTime = Nothing
End Function
' ====================================================================
' Uncomment function below if using running this script under Win2k
' ====================================================================
' Function ConvertDT(strDT)
' ConvertDT = _
' CDate(Mid(strDT, 5, 2) &_
' "/" &_
' Mid(strDT, 7, 2) &_
' "/" &_
' Left(strDT, 4) &_
' " " &_
' Mid (strDT, 9, 2) &_
' ":" &_
' Mid(strDT, 11, 2) &_
' ":" &_
' Mid(strDT, 13, 2))
' End Function
' ====================================================================
Function IEProgressBar(strMsg)
' On Error Resume Next
Dim objExplorer, objShell, strOutput
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objExplorer = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") 'create IE object
objExplorer.Navigate "about:blank"
objExplorer.ToolBar = 0
objExplorer.StatusBar = 0
objExplorer.Width= 550
objExplorer.Height = 250
objExplorer.Document.Title = strMsg
objExplorer.Document.Body.Style.BackGroundColor = "#272936"
objExplorer.Document.Body.Style.Cursor = "wait"
objExplorer.Visible = 1
strOutput = "<span style='color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Times New Roman; background-color: #272936; font-size:24pt'>" & _
"<div align='center'>" & strMsg & "<br><br>" & _
"<img border='0' src='' alt= width='90' height='20'>" & _
objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOutput ' write to IE page
objshell.AppActivate "Retrieving" 'set focus to new window.
Set IEProgressBar = objExplorer
Set objExplorer = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing
End Function
applicationname="WMI Cimv2 Classes"
caption="WMI Cimv2 Classes"
<style type="text/css">
td {
font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
font-size: 18px;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
font-variant: normal;
color: #FFFFFF;
vertical-align: top;
a:link {
font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
font-style: normal;
font-variant: normal;
a:visited {
font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
font-style: normal;
font-variant: normal;
a:hover {
font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
font-style: normal;
font-variant: normal;
.access {
font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
<body bgcolor="#272936" style="overflow:auto;color:#FFFFFF;">
<h1>WMI Cimv2 Classes on: <span id="PCName"></span></h1>
Connect To: <input type="text" id="strComputerName" onKeyPress="if window.event.keycode = 13 then GetClasses">
UserName: <input type="text" id="strUserID" value="">
Password: <input type="password" id="strPass" value="">
<input type="button" value="Connect" onclick="GetClasses">
<br />
<span style="color=#CC0000"><strong>NOTE:</strong>
Alternate credential can not be used for the local machine. Local credentials will always be used for local queries.
<div align="center" class="access"><span id="accessdenied"></span></div>
<table width="100%">
<td>Class Name: </td>
<td><span id="classes"></span></td>
<td><input type="text" id="wql" onKeyPress="if window.event.keycode = 13 then GetClassValues"></td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="button" id="getbtn" value="Get Class Values" onclick="GetClassValues"></td>
<br />
<span id="classvalues"></span>
<script language="vbscript">
Option Explicit
' On Error Resume Next
Dim strDefSel: strDefSel = "WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM"
Sub Window_OnLoad
' On Error Resume Next
window.document.title = "WMI Cimv2 Classes on: " & GetLocCompName 'set title with local computername by calling function
window.document.getElementById("PCName").InnerHTML = GetLocCompName 'set computername in header <h1> tag
window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").focus 'focus to the inputbox to specify another pc
GetClasses 'automatically load classes.
End Sub
Sub GetClasses
' On Error Resume Next
Dim strComputer, objWMIService, objclass, objArray, classname, strOutput, strTemp, objIE
strComputer = UCase(window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value) 'get computername from input box
If strComputer = "" Or strComputer = GetLocCompName Or strComputer = "LOCALHOST" Or strComputer = "" Or strComputer = "." Then
strComputer = GetLocCompName 'if input box is empty, use local computer name by calling a Function
window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value = strComputer
window.document.getElementById("PCName").innerHTML = strComputer & " (Local)"
window.document.getElementById("PCName").innerHTML = strComputer 'set computer name in header if different from local
End If
If Ping(strComputer) = False Then 'test connectivity with ping Function
alert "Computer specified is unreachable!!"
window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value = "" 'reset input box if the machine is unreachable
Exit Sub
End If
window.document.title = "WMI Cimv2 Classes on: " & strComputer 'set title to new computer name if different from local
Set objIE = IEProgressBar("Retrieving Cimv2 Class Names...") 'display progress window
On Error Resume Next
Set objWMIService = objWMI(strComputer, "classes") 'query remote machine for classes
If IsEmpty(objWMIService) Then
objIE.Quit 'terminate IE if error is encountered with WMI connection
Set objIE = Nothing
window.document.getElementById("classes").innerHTML = ""
window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = ""
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set objArray = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") 'create .Net array
For Each objclass in objWMIService.SubclassesOf()
objArray.Add objClass.Path_.Class 'add to array
objArray.Sort 'sort array
strOutput = "<select id='classname' onchange='clearselections'>" 'begin building drop down
For Each classname In objArray
strTemp = classname
If UCase(strTemp) = UCase(strDefSel) Then 'define the default selected class
strOutput = strOutput & "<option value='" & strTemp & "' selected>" & strTemp & "</option>"
strOutput = strOutput & "<option value='" & strTemp & "'>" & strTemp & "</option>"
End If
Set objIE = Nothing
Set objArray = Nothing
window.document.getElementById("classes").innerHTML = strOutput & "</select>" 'write out to body
GetClassValues 'automatically get class values
End Sub
Sub GetClassValues
' On Error Resume Next
Dim wmiQuery, colItems, objItem, strOutput, strComputer, strClass, objProp
Dim strName, strValue, objIE, strWQL, objArray, propertiesHTML, strProperty
Dim strProp
strComputer = UCase(window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value) 'get computername from input box
If strComputer = "" Or strComputer = GetLocCompName Or strComputer = "LOCALHOST" Or strComputer = "" Or strComputer = "." Then
strComputer = GetLocCompName 'if input box is empty, use local computer name by calling a Function
window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value = strComputer
End If
strClass = window.document.getElementById("classname").value
strWQL = window.document.getElementById("wql").value
strProp = window.document.getElementById("wmiproperties").value
strDefSel = UCase(strClass)
If UCase(strProp) = "OTHER" Then
strProp = window.document.getElementById("othervalue").value
End If
If strWQL = "" Or IsNull(strWQL) Then
wmiQuery = "Select " & strProp & " From " & strClass 'define WMI query
wmiQuery = "Select " & strProp & " From " & strClass & " Where " & strWQL
End If
' begin building table
Set objIE = IEProgressBar("Retrieving " & strClass & " Values...")
On Error Resume Next
Set colItems = objWMI(strComputer, wmiQuery) 'retrieve WMI collection by calling the objWMI function
If IsEmpty(colItems) Then
Set objIE = Nothing
window.document.getElementById("classes").innerHTML = ""
window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = ""
Exit Sub
End If
If colItems.Count = 0 Then
Set objIE = Nothing
window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = "This class contains no data or you supplied an invalid query!"
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
strOutput = "<strong>Class Name:</strong> " & _
"<a href='" & _
strClass & "' target='blank_'>" & _
strClass & "</a><br /><strong>Instances:</strong> " & _
colItems.Count & "<br /><table width='100%' border='0'>" & _
"<tr><td style='text-decoration:underline'><strong>Property Name</strong></td>" & _
"<td style='text-decoration:underline'><strong>Value</strong></td></tr>"
propertiesHTML = "<select id='wmiproperties'><option value='*'>*</option>"
Set objArray = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") 'create .Net array
For Each objItem In colItems 'loop through the collection
For Each objProp In objItem.Properties_
strName = objProp.Name
If IsArray(objProp.Value) Then
strValue = Join(objProp.Value, ";") 'if value is an array, join them
strValue = objProp.Value
End If
If Not (IsNull(strValue) Or strValue = "") Then 'only display properties with values
If Not objArray.Contains(strName) Then
If InStr(UCase(strProp), UCase(strName)) Or strProp = "*" Then
objArray.Add strName
End If
End If
If ValUTC(strValue) Then ' check to see if value is UTC
strValue = ConvertDT(strValue) ' convert to normal date/time format
End If
If (InStr(UCase(strProp), UCase(strName)) Or strProp = "*") And Not (strName = "" Or strValue = "") Then
strOutput = strOutput & "<tr>" & _
"<td>" & strName & "</td>" & _
"<td>" & strValue & "</td>" & _
End If
End If
If (InStr(UCase(strProp), UCase(strName)) Or strProp = "*") And Not (strName = "" Or strValue = "") Then
strOutput = strOutput & "<tr><td colspan='2'><hr></td></tr>"
End If
For Each strProperty In objArray
If UCase(strProp) = UCase(strProperty) Then
propertiesHTML = propertiesHTML & "<option value='" & strProperty & "' selected>" & strProperty & "</option>"
propertiesHTML = propertiesHTML & "<option value='" & strProperty & "'>" & strProperty & "</option>"
End If
propertiesHTML = propertiesHTML & "<option value='other'>Other</option>"
window.document.getElementById("dispprop").innerHTML = propertiesHTML & "</select>"
window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = strOutput & "</table>" 'display data
Set objIE = Nothing
Set objArray = Nothing
Set colItems = Nothing
End Sub
Sub clearselections
' On Error Resume Next
window.document.getElementById("dispprop").innerHTML = "<select id='wmiproperties'><option value='*' selected>*</option></select>"
window.document.getElementById("othervalue").value = ""
window.document.getElementById("wql").value = ""
End Sub
Function GetLocCompName
' On Error Resume Next
Dim objNetwork
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
GetLocCompName = UCase(objNetwork.ComputerName) 'get local computer name
Set objNetwork = Nothing
End Function
Function Ping(strRmtPC)
' On Error Resume Next
Dim wmiQuery, objPing, objStatus, blnStatus
wmiQuery = "Select * From Win32_PingStatus Where Address = '" & strRmtPC & "'"
Set objPing = objWMI(".", wmiQuery)
For Each objStatus in objPing
If IsNull(objStatus.StatusCode) Or objStatus.Statuscode<>0 Then
blnStatus = False 'Not Reachable
blnStatus = True 'Reachable
End If
Ping = blnStatus
Set objPing = Nothing
End Function
Function objWMI(strComputer, strWQL)
' On Error Resume Next
Dim wmiNS, objWMIService, objSWbemLocator, objSWbemServices
Dim strUID, strPwd
wmiNS = "\root\cimv2"
strUID = window.document.getElementById("strUserID").value
strPwd = window.document.getElementById("strPass").value
If strComputer = "." Or strComputer = GetLocCompName Then 'prevent alternate credentials for local machine
strUID = ""
strPwd = ""
End If
Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
On Error Resume Next
Set objSWbemServices = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer _
(strComputer, wmiNS, strUID, strPwd)
Select Case Err.Number
Case -2147024891
window.document.getElementById("accessdenied").innerHTML = "Access Denied! Please check the credentials supplied."
Exit Function
End Select
On Error GoTo 0
window.document.getElementById("accessdenied").innerHTML = ""
Select Case UCase(strWQL)
Set objWMI = objSWbemServices
Case Else
Set objWMI = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery(strWQL)
End Select
Set objSWbemServices = Nothing
Set objSWbemLocator = Nothing
End Function
Function ValUTC(strInput)
Dim RegEx: Set RegEx = New RegExp
RegEx.Pattern = "\d{14}.\d{6}\D{1}\d{3}" ' check for value similar to this 20070202230659.500000-480
RegEx.IgnoreCase = True
RegEx.Global = True
ValUTC = RegEx.Test(strInput)
Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function
Function ConvertDT(strDT)
' On Error Resume Next
Dim objTime: Set objTime = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
objTime.Value = strDT
ConvertDT = objTime.GetVarDate 'convert UTC to Standard Time; from 20070202230659.500000-480 to 2/2/2007 11:06:59 PM
Set objTime = Nothing
End Function
Function IEProgressBar(strMsg)
' On Error Resume Next
Dim objExplorer, objShell, strOutput
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objExplorer = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") 'create IE object
objExplorer.Navigate "about:blank"
objExplorer.ToolBar = 0
objExplorer.StatusBar = 0
objExplorer.Width= 550
objExplorer.Height = 250
objExplorer.Document.Body.Style.Cursor = "wait"
objExplorer.Visible = 1
objExplorer.Document.Write "<html><head><title>" & strMsg & "</title></head><body bgcolor='#272936'>" & _
"<span style='color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Times New Roman; background-color: #272936; font-size:24pt'>" & _
"<div align='center'>" & strMsg & "<br><br>" & _
"<img border='0' src='' alt= width='90' height='20'>" & _
objshell.AppActivate "Retrieving" 'set focus to new window.
Set IEProgressBar = objExplorer
Set objExplorer = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing
End Function
applicationname="WMI Cimv2 Classes"
caption="WMI Cimv2 Classes"
<style type="text/css">
td {
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font-size: 18px;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
font-variant: normal;
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vertical-align: top;
a:link {
font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
font-style: normal;
font-variant: normal;
a:visited {
font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
font-style: normal;
font-variant: normal;
a:hover {
font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
font-style: normal;
font-variant: normal;
.access {
font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
<body bgcolor="#272936" style="overflow:auto;color:#FFFFFF;">
<h1>WMI Cimv2 Classes on: <span id="PCName"></span></h1>
Connect To: <input type="text" id="strComputerName" onKeyPress="if window.event.keycode = 13 then GetClasses">
UserName: <input type="text" id="strUserID" value="">
Password: <input type="password" id="strPass" value="">
<input type="button" value="Connect" onclick="GetClasses">
<br />
<span style="color=#CC0000"><strong>NOTE:</strong>
Alternate credential can not be used for the local machine. Local credentials will always be used for local queries.
<div align="center" class="access"><span id="accessdenied"></span></div>
<table width="100%">
<td><span id="dispprop"><select id="wmiproperties"><option value="*">*</option></select></span>
(if other, specify) <input type="text" id="othervalue"></td>
<td>From (Class Name): </td>
<td><span id="classes"></span></td>
<td>Where (Optional):</td>
<td><input type="text" id="wql" onKeyPress="if window.event.keycode = 13 then GetClassValues"></td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="button" id="getbtn" value="Get Class Values" onclick="GetClassValues"></td>
<br />
<span id="classvalues"></span>