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WMI Cimv2 Classes and their Values - HTA Browser


WMI Cimv2 Classes and their Values - HTA Browser

by  dm4ever  Posted    (Edited  )
The following code is for an HTA that will dynamically list all the available classes under the cimv2 namespace. It will query the local machine initially, but you can specify a remote machine and alternate credentials should you require it. You will notice a lot of the same functions/subs as my "scripts currently running" (http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=6541) or Win32_Ping (http://www.tek-tips.com/faqs.cfm?fid=6527) posts.

Though you can retrieve a lot of this information using wbemtest or ms' WMI object browser or generate WMI queries using WMI Code creator or Scriptomatic, this HTA is intended to quickly and easily let you select a class name (without having to look it up) and see only those properties that contain data immediately. The filter text field lets you filter down your results. Simply put in what you would normally specify in a "where" clause. For example, if looking at the Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration, a valid filter would be: ipenabled=true . For the Win32_PingStatus, a valid filter would be ipaddress='www.yahoo.com' or ipaddress='www.yahoo.com' and timeout=2000 .

Rather than display the methods for each class, I decided to turn the class name displayed into a link to Microsoft MSDN so that you can look up the documentation for yourself and see what methods are available and how to use them.

This version was tested on a WinXP/2k3 box. There is a function to convert UTC time to regular time so all date/times will appear in their standard form; just so you're not surprised why it looks that way with this HTA and different when you create your own query. A .NET array is used to sort the available classes in alphabetical order and IE object is created for a progress type window.

Becareful when selecting classes that contain a large amount of data. CIM_Datafile, Win32_NTEventLog, etc. without using some filtering.

Well enough with that, here's the code.
If anything, this can serve as an example to the functions used to create this.

<script language="vbscript">
Option Explicit 
' On Error Resume Next

Dim strDefSel:  strDefSel = "WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM"

Sub Window_OnLoad
'  On Error Resume Next
 window.document.title = "WMI Cimv2 Classes on: " & GetLocCompName 'set title with local computername by calling function
 window.document.getElementById("PCName").InnerHTML = GetLocCompName 'set computername in header <h1> tag
 window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").focus 'focus to the inputbox to specify another pc
 GetClasses 'automatically load classes.
End Sub

Sub GetClasses
'  On Error Resume Next
 Dim strComputer, objWMIService, objclass, objArray, classname, strOutput, strTemp, objIE
 strComputer = UCase(window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value) 'get computername from input box

 If strComputer = "" Or strComputer = GetLocCompName Or strComputer = "LOCALHOST" Or strComputer = "" Or strComputer = "." Then
  strComputer = GetLocCompName 'if input box is empty, use local computer name by calling a Function
  window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value = strComputer
  window.document.getElementById("PCName").innerHTML = strComputer & " (Local)"
  window.document.getElementById("PCName").innerHTML = strComputer 'set computer name in header if different from local
 End If
 If Ping(strComputer) = False Then 'test connectivity with ping Function
  alert "Computer specified is unreachable!!"
  window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value = "" 'reset input box if the machine is unreachable
  Exit Sub
 End If 
 window.document.title = "WMI Cimv2 Classes on: " & strComputer 'set title to new computer name if different from local
 Set objIE = IEProgressBar("Retrieving Cimv2 Class Names...") 'display progress window
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objWMIService = objWMI(strComputer, "classes") 'query remote machine for classes
 If IsEmpty(objWMIService) Then
  objIE.Quit 'terminate IE if error is encountered with WMI connection
  Set objIE = Nothing
  window.document.getElementById("classes").innerHTML = ""
  window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = ""
  Exit Sub
 End If
 On Error GoTo 0
 Set objArray = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") 'create .Net array
 For Each objclass in objWMIService.SubclassesOf()
     objArray.Add objClass.Path_.Class 'add to array
 objArray.Sort 'sort array
 strOutput = "<select id='classname'>" 'begin building drop down
 For Each classname In objArray
  strTemp = classname
  If UCase(strTemp) = UCase(strDefSel) Then 'define the default selected class
   strOutput = strOutput & "<option value='" & strTemp & "' selected>" & strTemp & "</option>"
   strOutput = strOutput & "<option value='" & strTemp & "'>" & strTemp & "</option>" 
  End If
 Set objIE = Nothing
 Set objArray = Nothing
 window.document.getElementById("classes").innerHTML = strOutput & "</select>" 'write out to body
 GetClassValues 'automatically get class values
End Sub

Sub GetClassValues
'  On Error Resume Next
 Dim wmiQuery, colItems, objItem, strOutput, strComputer, strClass, objProp
 Dim strName, strValue, objIE, strWQL
 strComputer = UCase(window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value) 'get computername from input box
 If strComputer = "" Or strComputer = GetLocCompName Or strComputer = "LOCALHOST" Or strComputer = "" Or strComputer = "." Then
  strComputer = GetLocCompName 'if input box is empty, use local computer name by calling a Function
  window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value = strComputer
 End If
 strClass = window.document.getElementById("classname").value
 strWQL = window.document.getElementById("wql").value
 strDefSel = UCase(strClass)
 If strWQL = "" Or IsNull(strWQL) Then
  wmiQuery = "Select * From " & strClass  'define WMI query
  wmiQuery = "Select * From " & strClass & " Where " & strWQL
 End If
 ' begin building table
 Set objIE = IEProgressBar("Retrieving " & strClass & " Values...")
 On Error Resume Next
 Set colItems = objWMI(strComputer, wmiQuery) 'retrieve WMI collection by calling the objWMI function
 If IsEmpty(colItems) Then
  Set objIE = Nothing
  window.document.getElementById("classes").innerHTML = ""
  window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = ""
  Exit Sub
 End If
 If colItems.Count = 0 Then
  Set objIE = Nothing
  window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = "This class contains no data or you supplied an invalid query!"
  Exit Sub
 End If
 On Error GoTo 0
 strOutput = "<strong>Class Name:</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;" & _
   "<a href='http://search.msdn.microsoft.com/search/default.aspx?siteId=0&tab=0&query=" & _
   strClass & "' target='blank_'>" & _
   strClass & "</a><br /><strong>Instances:</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" & _
   colItems.Count & "<br /><table width='100%' border='0'>" & _
   "<tr><td style='text-decoration:underline'><strong>Property Name</strong></td>" & _
   "<td style='text-decoration:underline'><strong>Value</strong></td></tr>"
 For Each objItem In colItems 'loop through the collection
  For Each objProp In objItem.Properties_
   strName = objProp.Name
   If IsArray(objProp.Value) Then
    strValue = Join(objProp.Value, ";") 'if value is an array, join them
    strValue = objProp.Value
   End If
   If Not (IsNull(strValue) Or strValue = "") Then 'only display properties with values
    If ValUTC(strValue) Then ' check to see if value is UTC
     strValue = ConvertDT(strValue) ' convert to normal date/time format
    End If
    strOutput = strOutput & "<tr>" & _
       "<td>" & strName & "</td>" & _
       "<td>" & strValue & "</td>" & _
   End If
   strOutput = strOutput & "<tr><td colspan='2'><hr></td></tr>"
 window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = strOutput & "</table>" 'display data
 Set objIE = Nothing
 Set colItems = Nothing
End Sub

Function GetLocCompName
'  On Error Resume Next
 Dim objNetwork
 Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
 GetLocCompName = UCase(objNetwork.ComputerName) 'get local computer name
 Set objNetwork = Nothing
End Function
Function Ping(strRmtPC)
'  On Error Resume Next
   Dim wmiQuery, objPing, objStatus, blnStatus
   wmiQuery = "Select * From Win32_PingStatus Where Address = '" & strRmtPC & "'"

   Set objPing = objWMI(".", wmiQuery)
   For Each objStatus in objPing
       If IsNull(objStatus.StatusCode) Or objStatus.Statuscode<>0 Then
           blnStatus = False 'Not Reachable
           blnStatus = True 'Reachable
       End If
   Ping = blnStatus
   Set objPing = Nothing
End Function
Function objWMI(strComputer, strWQL)
'  On Error Resume Next

 Dim wmiNS, objWMIService, objSWbemLocator, objSWbemServices
 Dim strUID, strPwd
 wmiNS = "\root\cimv2"
 strUID = window.document.getElementById("strUserID").value
 strPwd = window.document.getElementById("strPass").value
 If strComputer = "." Or strComputer = GetLocCompName Then 'prevent alternate credentials for local machine
  strUID = "" 
  strPwd = ""
 End If
 Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
 On Error Resume Next
 Set objSWbemServices = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer _
 (strComputer, wmiNS, strUID, strPwd)
  Select Case Err.Number
   Case -2147024891
    window.document.getElementById("accessdenied").innerHTML = "Access Denied! Please check the credentials supplied."
    Exit Function
  End Select
 On Error GoTo 0
 window.document.getElementById("accessdenied").innerHTML = ""
 Select Case UCase(strWQL)
  Case "CLASSES"
   Set objWMI = objSWbemServices
  Case Else
   Set objWMI = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery(strWQL)
 End Select
 Set objSWbemServices = Nothing 
 Set objSWbemLocator = Nothing
End Function

Function ValUTC(strInput)
 Dim RegEx:  Set RegEx = New RegExp
 RegEx.Pattern = "\d{14}\.\d{6}\D{1}\d{3}" ' check for value similar to this 20070202230659.500000-480
 RegEx.IgnoreCase = True 
 RegEx.Global = True
 ValUTC = RegEx.Test(strInput)
 Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function
Function ConvertDT(strDT)
'  On Error Resume Next
 Dim objTime: Set objTime = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
 objTime.Value = strDT
 ConvertDT = objTime.GetVarDate 'convert UTC to Standard Time; from 20070202230659.500000-480 to 2/2/2007 11:06:59 PM
 Set objTime = Nothing
End Function
' ====================================================================
' Uncomment function below if using running this script under Win2k
' ====================================================================
' Function ConvertDT(strDT)
'   ConvertDT = _
'       CDate(Mid(strDT, 5, 2) &_
'       "/" &_
'       Mid(strDT, 7, 2) &_
'       "/" &_
'       Left(strDT, 4) &_
'       " " &_
'       Mid (strDT, 9, 2) &_
'       ":" &_
'       Mid(strDT, 11, 2) &_
'       ":" &_
'       Mid(strDT, 13, 2))
' End Function
' ====================================================================

Function IEProgressBar(strMsg)
'  On Error Resume Next
 Dim objExplorer, objShell, strOutput
 Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
 Set objExplorer = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") 'create IE object

 objExplorer.Navigate "about:blank"   
 objExplorer.ToolBar = 0
 objExplorer.StatusBar = 0
 objExplorer.Width= 550
 objExplorer.Height = 250 
 objExplorer.Document.Title = strMsg
 objExplorer.Document.Body.Style.BackGroundColor = "#272936"
 objExplorer.Document.Body.Style.Cursor = "wait"
 objExplorer.Visible = 1

 strOutput = "<span style='color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Times New Roman; background-color: #272936; font-size:24pt'>" & _
       "<div align='center'>" & strMsg & "<br><br>" & _
       "<img border='0' src='http://dm4ever1.googlepages.com/wait.gif' alt= width='90' height='20'>" & _

 objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = strOutput ' write to IE page
 objshell.AppActivate "Retrieving" 'set focus to new window.
 Set IEProgressBar = objExplorer
 Set objExplorer = Nothing
 Set objShell = Nothing
End Function
applicationname="WMI Cimv2 Classes"    
caption="WMI Cimv2 Classes"
<style type="text/css">
td {
 font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
 font-size: 18px;
 font-style: normal;
 font-weight: normal;
 font-variant: normal;
 color: #FFFFFF;
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a:link {
 font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
 font-style: normal;
 font-variant: normal;
a:visited {
 font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
 font-style: normal;
 font-variant: normal;
a:hover {
 font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
 font-style: normal;
 font-variant: normal;
.access {
 font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
<body bgcolor="#272936" style="overflow:auto;color:#FFFFFF;">
<h1>WMI Cimv2 Classes on: <span id="PCName"></span></h1>
Connect To: <input type="text" id="strComputerName" onKeyPress="if window.event.keycode = 13 then GetClasses">&nbsp;&nbsp;
UserName: <input type="text" id="strUserID" value="">&nbsp;&nbsp; 
Password: <input type="password" id="strPass" value="">&nbsp;&nbsp; 
<input type="button" value="Connect" onclick="GetClasses">
<br />
<span style="color=#CC0000"><strong>NOTE:</strong> 
Alternate credential can not be used for the local machine. Local credentials will always be used for local queries.
<div align="center" class="access"><span id="accessdenied"></span></div>
<table width="100%">
  <td>Class Name:&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
  <td><span id="classes"></span></td>
  <td><input type="text" id="wql" onKeyPress="if window.event.keycode = 13 then GetClassValues"></td>
  <td colspan="2"><input type="button" id="getbtn" value="Get Class Values" onclick="GetClassValues"></td>
<br />
<span id="classvalues"></span>

Version 2 (allows more specific query)

<script language="vbscript">
Option Explicit 
' On Error Resume Next

Dim strDefSel: 	strDefSel = "WIN32_OPERATINGSYSTEM"

Sub Window_OnLoad
' 	On Error Resume Next
	window.document.title = "WMI Cimv2 Classes on: " & GetLocCompName 'set title with local computername by calling function
	window.document.getElementById("PCName").InnerHTML = GetLocCompName 'set computername in header <h1> tag
	window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").focus 'focus to the inputbox to specify another pc
	GetClasses 'automatically load classes.
End Sub

Sub GetClasses
' 	On Error Resume Next
	Dim strComputer, objWMIService, objclass, objArray, classname, strOutput, strTemp, objIE
	strComputer = UCase(window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value) 'get computername from input box

	If strComputer = "" Or strComputer = GetLocCompName Or strComputer = "LOCALHOST" Or strComputer = "" Or strComputer = "." Then
		strComputer = GetLocCompName 'if input box is empty, use local computer name by calling a Function
		window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value = strComputer
		window.document.getElementById("PCName").innerHTML = strComputer & " (Local)"
		window.document.getElementById("PCName").innerHTML = strComputer 'set computer name in header if different from local
	End If
	If Ping(strComputer) = False Then 'test connectivity with ping Function
		alert "Computer specified is unreachable!!"
		window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value = "" 'reset input box if the machine is unreachable
		Exit Sub
	End If	
	window.document.title = "WMI Cimv2 Classes on: " & strComputer 'set title to new computer name if different from local
	Set objIE = IEProgressBar("Retrieving Cimv2 Class Names...") 'display progress window
	On Error Resume Next
	Set objWMIService = objWMI(strComputer, "classes") 'query remote machine for classes
	If IsEmpty(objWMIService) Then
		objIE.Quit 'terminate IE if error is encountered with WMI connection
		Set objIE = Nothing
		window.document.getElementById("classes").innerHTML = ""
		window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = ""
		Exit Sub
	End If
	On Error GoTo 0
	Set objArray = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") 'create .Net array
	For Each objclass in objWMIService.SubclassesOf()
	    objArray.Add objClass.Path_.Class 'add to array
	objArray.Sort 'sort array
	strOutput = "<select id='classname' onchange='clearselections'>" 'begin building drop down
	For Each classname In objArray
		strTemp = classname
		If UCase(strTemp) = UCase(strDefSel) Then 'define the default selected class
			strOutput = strOutput & "<option value='" & strTemp & "' selected>" & strTemp & "</option>"
			strOutput = strOutput & "<option value='" & strTemp & "'>" & strTemp & "</option>" 
		End If
	Set objIE = Nothing
	Set objArray = Nothing
	window.document.getElementById("classes").innerHTML = strOutput & "</select>" 'write out to body
	GetClassValues 'automatically get class values
End Sub

Sub GetClassValues
' 	On Error Resume Next
	Dim wmiQuery, colItems, objItem, strOutput, strComputer, strClass, objProp
	Dim strName, strValue, objIE, strWQL, objArray, propertiesHTML, strProperty
	Dim strProp
	strComputer = UCase(window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value) 'get computername from input box
	If strComputer = "" Or strComputer = GetLocCompName Or strComputer = "LOCALHOST" Or strComputer = "" Or strComputer = "." Then
		strComputer = GetLocCompName 'if input box is empty, use local computer name by calling a Function
		window.document.getElementById("strComputerName").Value = strComputer
	End If
	strClass = window.document.getElementById("classname").value
	strWQL = window.document.getElementById("wql").value
	strProp = window.document.getElementById("wmiproperties").value
	strDefSel = UCase(strClass)
	If UCase(strProp) = "OTHER" Then
		strProp = window.document.getElementById("othervalue").value
	End If
	If strWQL = "" Or IsNull(strWQL) Then
		wmiQuery = "Select " & strProp & " From " & strClass  'define WMI query
		wmiQuery = "Select " & strProp & " From " & strClass & " Where " & strWQL
	End If
	' begin building table
	Set objIE = IEProgressBar("Retrieving " & strClass & " Values...")
	On Error Resume Next
	Set colItems = objWMI(strComputer, wmiQuery) 'retrieve WMI collection by calling the objWMI function
	If IsEmpty(colItems) Then
		Set objIE = Nothing
		window.document.getElementById("classes").innerHTML = ""
		window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = ""
		Exit Sub
	End If
	If colItems.Count = 0 Then
		Set objIE = Nothing
		window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = "This class contains no data or you supplied an invalid query!"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	On Error GoTo 0
	strOutput = "<strong>Class Name:</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;" & _
			"<a href='http://search.msdn.microsoft.com/search/default.aspx?siteId=0&tab=0&query=" & _
			strClass & "' target='blank_'>" & _
			strClass & "</a><br /><strong>Instances:</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" & _
			colItems.Count & "<br /><table width='100%' border='0'>" & _
			"<tr><td style='text-decoration:underline'><strong>Property Name</strong></td>" & _
			"<td style='text-decoration:underline'><strong>Value</strong></td></tr>"
	propertiesHTML = "<select id='wmiproperties'><option value='*'>*</option>"
	Set objArray = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") 'create .Net array
	For Each objItem In colItems 'loop through the collection
		For Each objProp In objItem.Properties_
			strName = objProp.Name
			If IsArray(objProp.Value) Then
				strValue = Join(objProp.Value, ";") 'if value is an array, join them
				strValue = objProp.Value
			End If
			If Not (IsNull(strValue) Or strValue = "") Then 'only display properties with values
				If Not objArray.Contains(strName) Then
					If InStr(UCase(strProp), UCase(strName)) Or strProp = "*" Then 
						objArray.Add strName
					End If
				End If
				If ValUTC(strValue) Then ' check to see if value is UTC
					strValue = ConvertDT(strValue) ' convert to normal date/time format
				End If
					If (InStr(UCase(strProp), UCase(strName)) Or strProp = "*") And Not (strName = "" Or strValue = "") Then 
						strOutput = strOutput & "<tr>" & _
									"<td>" & strName & "</td>" & _
									"<td>" & strValue & "</td>" & _
					End If
			End If
			If (InStr(UCase(strProp), UCase(strName)) Or strProp = "*") And Not (strName = "" Or strValue = "") Then 
				strOutput = strOutput & "<tr><td colspan='2'><hr></td></tr>"
			End If
	For Each strProperty In objArray
			If UCase(strProp) = UCase(strProperty) Then
				propertiesHTML = propertiesHTML & "<option value='" & strProperty & "' selected>" & strProperty & "</option>"
				propertiesHTML = propertiesHTML & "<option value='" & strProperty & "'>" & strProperty & "</option>"
			End If
	propertiesHTML = propertiesHTML & "<option value='other'>Other</option>"
	window.document.getElementById("dispprop").innerHTML = propertiesHTML & "</select>"
	window.document.getElementById("classvalues").innerHTML = strOutput & "</table>" 'display data
	Set objIE = Nothing
	Set objArray = Nothing
	Set colItems = Nothing
End Sub

Sub clearselections
' 	On Error Resume Next
	window.document.getElementById("dispprop").innerHTML = "<select id='wmiproperties'><option value='*' selected>*</option></select>"
	window.document.getElementById("othervalue").value = ""
	window.document.getElementById("wql").value = ""
End Sub

Function GetLocCompName
' 	On Error Resume Next
	Dim objNetwork
	Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
	GetLocCompName = UCase(objNetwork.ComputerName) 'get local computer name
	Set objNetwork = Nothing
End Function
Function Ping(strRmtPC)
' 	On Error Resume Next
   Dim wmiQuery, objPing, objStatus, blnStatus
   wmiQuery = "Select * From Win32_PingStatus Where Address = '" & strRmtPC & "'"

   Set objPing = objWMI(".", wmiQuery)
   For Each objStatus in objPing
       If IsNull(objStatus.StatusCode) Or objStatus.Statuscode<>0 Then
           blnStatus = False 'Not Reachable
           blnStatus = True 'Reachable
       End If
   Ping = blnStatus
   Set objPing = Nothing
End Function
Function objWMI(strComputer, strWQL)
' 	On Error Resume Next

	Dim wmiNS, objWMIService, objSWbemLocator, objSWbemServices
	Dim strUID, strPwd
	wmiNS = "\root\cimv2"
	strUID = window.document.getElementById("strUserID").value
	strPwd = window.document.getElementById("strPass").value
	If strComputer = "." Or strComputer = GetLocCompName Then 'prevent alternate credentials for local machine
		strUID = "" 
		strPwd = ""
	End If
	Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
	On Error Resume Next
	Set objSWbemServices = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer _
	(strComputer, wmiNS, strUID, strPwd)
		Select Case Err.Number
			Case -2147024891
				window.document.getElementById("accessdenied").innerHTML = "Access Denied! Please check the credentials supplied."
				Exit Function
		End Select
	On Error GoTo 0
	window.document.getElementById("accessdenied").innerHTML = ""
	Select Case UCase(strWQL)
		Case "CLASSES"
			Set objWMI = objSWbemServices
		Case Else
			Set objWMI = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery(strWQL)
	End Select
	Set objSWbemServices = Nothing 
	Set objSWbemLocator = Nothing
End Function

Function ValUTC(strInput)
	Dim RegEx:		Set RegEx = New RegExp
	RegEx.Pattern = "\d{14}.\d{6}\D{1}\d{3}" ' check for value similar to this 20070202230659.500000-480
	RegEx.IgnoreCase = True 
	RegEx.Global = True
	ValUTC = RegEx.Test(strInput)
	Set RegEx = Nothing
End Function
Function ConvertDT(strDT)
' 	On Error Resume Next
	Dim objTime:	Set objTime = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime")
	objTime.Value = strDT
	ConvertDT = objTime.GetVarDate 'convert UTC to Standard Time; from 20070202230659.500000-480 to 2/2/2007 11:06:59 PM
	Set objTime = Nothing
End Function

Function IEProgressBar(strMsg)
' 	On Error Resume Next
	Dim objExplorer, objShell, strOutput
	Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	Set objExplorer = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") 'create IE object

	objExplorer.Navigate "about:blank"   
	objExplorer.ToolBar = 0
	objExplorer.StatusBar = 0
	objExplorer.Width= 550
	objExplorer.Height = 250 
	objExplorer.Document.Body.Style.Cursor = "wait"
	objExplorer.Visible = 1
	objExplorer.Document.Write "<html><head><title>" & strMsg & "</title></head><body bgcolor='#272936'>" & _
				"<span style='color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Times New Roman; background-color: #272936; font-size:24pt'>" & _
			    "<div align='center'>" & strMsg & "<br><br>" & _
			    "<img border='0' src='http://dm4ever1.googlepages.com/wait.gif' alt= width='90' height='20'>" & _
	objshell.AppActivate "Retrieving" 'set focus to new window.
	Set IEProgressBar = objExplorer
	Set objExplorer = Nothing
	Set objShell = Nothing
End Function
applicationname="WMI Cimv2 Classes"    
caption="WMI Cimv2 Classes"
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a:hover {
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.access {
	font-family:"Times New Roman", Times, serif;
<body bgcolor="#272936" style="overflow:auto;color:#FFFFFF;">
<h1>WMI Cimv2 Classes on: <span id="PCName"></span></h1>
Connect To: <input type="text" id="strComputerName" onKeyPress="if window.event.keycode = 13 then GetClasses">&nbsp;&nbsp;
UserName: <input type="text" id="strUserID" value="">&nbsp;&nbsp; 
Password: <input type="password" id="strPass" value="">&nbsp;&nbsp; 
<input type="button" value="Connect" onclick="GetClasses">
<br />
<span style="color=#CC0000"><strong>NOTE:</strong> 
Alternate credential can not be used for the local machine. Local credentials will always be used for local queries.
<div align="center" class="access"><span id="accessdenied"></span></div>
<table width="100%">
		<td><span id="dispprop"><select id="wmiproperties"><option value="*">*</option></select></span>
		&nbsp;&nbsp;(if other, specify)&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" id="othervalue"></td>
		<td>From (Class Name):&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
		<td><span id="classes"></span></td>
		<td>Where (Optional):</td>
		<td><input type="text" id="wql" onKeyPress="if window.event.keycode = 13 then GetClassValues"></td>
		<td colspan="2"><input type="button" id="getbtn" value="Get Class Values" onclick="GetClassValues"></td>
<br />
<span id="classvalues"></span>
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