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Monitor IP Address for dropped connections

Systems Monitoring (vbs/mom)

Monitor IP Address for dropped connections

by  monsterjta  Posted    (Edited  )
I wrote this script primarily because we were having connectivity issues and servers becoming unavailable. As the comments imply I have integrated this with MOM, as to alert the administrators of these outages. If you do not have a monitoring system in place, you could work a simple mail program into it.

'Place this script in any directory.   '
'Execute script and receive MOM alerts.'
'Writes to files in same directory.    '
'Logs an Information event if          '
'connectivity fails for 3 consecutive  '
'minutes (measure of 6).               '
'2 echo's each minute.                 '
'Running total parameters:             '
'Line up = 0                           '
'50% packet loss = 1                   '
'100% packet loss = 2                  '
'Logs an event when running total      '
'= 6.                                  '
'Author: Jonathan Almquist             '
'monsterjta at tek-tips                '

Option Explicit

Dim WshShell
Dim Fso
Dim CurDir
Dim TodaysLog
Dim LogName
Dim TempLogName
Dim CreateLog
Dim TodayDate
Dim TomorrowDate
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Const ForAppending = 8

Set WshShell = CreateObject ("wscript.Shell")
Set Fso = CreateObject ("scripting.filesystemobject")

TodayDate = Date
TomorrowDate = Date + 1
CurDir = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell").CurrentDirectory & "\"
TempLogName = CurDir & "TempLog.txt"

'Definitions and ip address array'
Dim AddressList
Dim ipAddress

AddressList = Array ("<ip_address or A_Record")

'Create the logfiles'
Call CreateLogFile

'Ping each ip address and write to logfile'
Do While TodayDate = Date
For Each ipAddress In AddressList
Call KeepAlive
WScript.Sleep (30000)
For Each ipAddress In AddressList
Call AnalyzeLogs
WScript.Sleep (30000)
'New day'
If TodayDate <> Date Then
	TodayDate = Date
	TomorrowDate = Date + 1
	Call CreateLogFile
End If

Function CreateLogFile

For Each ipAddress In AddressList
LogName = CurDir & Replace (TodayDate, "/", "-", 1) & "_"
LogName = LogName & ipAddress & ".txt"

Set CreateLog = Fso.CreateTextFile (LogName, True)

End Function

Function KeepAlive

Dim Ping
Dim Command
Dim CreateTempLog
Dim ReadTempLog
Dim TempLine
Dim CurTime
Dim WriteLog

LogName = CurDir & Replace (TodayDate, "/", "-", 1) & "_"
LogName = LogName & ipAddress & ".txt"
Set WriteLog = Fso.OpenTextFile (LogName, ForAppending)

CurTime = Time

Set CreateTempLog = Fso.CreateTextFile (TempLogName, True)

Command = "cmd /C ping -n 2 " & ipAddress & " > " & """" & TempLogName & """"
Ping = WshShell.Run (Command, 0, true)

Set ReadTempLog = Fso.OpenTextFile (TempLogName, ForReading)
Do Until ReadTempLog.AtEndOfStream
TempLine = ReadTempLog.ReadLine
TempLine = Trim (TempLine)
	'Build string for logfile'
	If InStr (TempLine, "Packets:") Then
		If InStr (TempLine, "(0% loss)") Then WriteLog.WriteLine  _
		(CurTime & " ::: Line Up! ::: code 0")
		If InStr (TempLine, "(50% loss)") Then WriteLog.WriteLine  _
		(CurTime & " ::: Warning! ::: 50% Packet Loss during this keepalive interval! ::: code 1")
		If InStr (TempLine, "(100% loss)") Then WriteLog.WriteLine  _
		(CurTime & " ::: Critical! ::: 100% Packet Loss during this keepalive interval! ::: code 2")
	End If

ReadTempLog = Fso.DeleteFile (TempLogName, True)

End Function

'Analyze logs and issue MOM Alert if running totals => 6'
Function AnalyzeLogs

Dim LogName
Dim ReadLog
Dim ReadLine
Dim FindCodeNo
Dim CodeNo
Dim RunningTotal

LogName = CurDir & Replace (TodayDate, "/", "-", 1) & "_"
LogName = LogName & ipAddress & ".txt"
Set ReadLog = Fso.OpenTextFile (LogName, ForReading)

RunningTotal = 0

Do Until ReadLog.AtEndOfStream
ReadLine = ReadLog.ReadLine
FindCodeNo = Len (ReadLine)
CodeNo = Mid (ReadLine, FindCodeNo, 1)
'Do more measures and calcs here'
'If RunningTotal <> 0 And CodeNo = 0 Then
'	RunningTotal = RunningTotal - 1
'	Else
'	RunningTotal = RunningTotal + CodeNo
'End If
RunningTotal = RunningTotal + CodeNo

If RunningTotal => 6 Then
	On Error Resume Next
	Dim WSHShell, InsertEvent
	Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	If Err.Number <> 0 Then
	   	InsertEvent = "KeepAlive:" _
	   	& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & LogName & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
	   	"An error has been encountered." _
	   	& vbCrLf & vbCrLf
	   	InsertEvent = "KeepAlive:" _
	   	& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & ipAddress & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
	   	"Detected connectivity interruptions." & _
	   	"  Check corresponding logfile immediately." _
	   	& vbCrLf & vbCrLf
	End If
	WSHShell.LogEvent INFORMATION, InsertEvent
	On Error Goto 0
End If

End Function

ip monitor
dropped connections
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