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How can I run server code without submitting a form

Microsoft Remote Scripting

How can I run server code without submitting a form

by  Swany  Posted    (Edited  )
Remote Scripting allows a client side script, be it Javascript or VBScript to access functions in remote ASP code without submitting a form to the server.

Yes, you heard me right, access code on the server without using a submit button, and without making a browswer round trip.

This is one of Microsoft's jewels that nobody knows about. It works with both IE and Netscape, is simple to implement and works great both on Intranets and the Internet. If you are writing code strictly for an Intranet and are using IE, you may want to use RDS as an alternative to remote scripting.

It works like this:
Web Browser <--> Java Stub <-(HTTP)-> Web Server (ASP)

The web browser executes a Java applet that communicates transparently with the web server. Script on the web browser calls RSExecute() to run code that resides on the server.

Calls can be made synchronously or asynchronously. Asynch calls are made using callbacks into Javascript or VBScript code.

Examples can be found in the other FAQs in the Remote
Scripting category. I've included both client and server
examples and instructions for setting everything up.

Find out more at http://msdn.microsoft.com/scripting
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