The Zip file includes source code in both Basic and C showing how to use the FM music chips on the soundblaster and compatable cards. This is NOT a demo / code example of how to play WAV files. Included is a working execuable file (For DOS) and the Jeffrey S. Lee AdLib/Sound Blaster programming FAQ.
Or, try out the code below:
DECLARE SUB wradlib (address%, byte%)
DECLARE SUB rstlib ()
'In this group of Calls, play around with the 2nd hex number (The byte%
' variable) for special effects.
CALL wradlib(&H1, &H20) 'Enable Waveform control
CALL wradlib(&H20, &HE0) 'Set modulator settings
CALL wradlib(&H40, &H80) 'Set the modulator's level to max and
'set scaling factor to 1.5db/8ve
CALL wradlib(&H60, &HF2) 'Set attack & decay to med-slow
CALL wradlib(&H80, &H77) 'Set sustain to min. & Release to med.
CALL wradlib(&HA0, &H0) 'Set default note (Not really neccesary)
CALL wradlib(&HC0, &H4) 'Set feedback and Algorithm.
CALL wradlib(&H23, &HC1) 'Set mod. freq. Multiple, etc. of 2nd Op.
CALL wradlib(&H43, &H0) 'Set volume of 2nd operator to max.
CALL wradlib(&H63, &HF5) 'Set attack & decay of 2nd operator
CALL wradlib(&H83, &H77) 'Set sustain to min. & Release of 2nd. Op.
CALL wradlib(&HBD, &H80) 'Set AM depth to the max.
CALL wradlib(&HE0, &H0) 'Setup waveforms for 1st. Op.
CALL wradlib(&HE3, &H0) 'Setup waveforms for 2nd. Op.
CALL wradlib(&HB0, &H22) 'Turn on the voice, set octave, etc..
' Following code will turn your keyboard into a Musical Keyboard
PRINT "Hit Escape key to stop"
DO WHILE note% <> 54
SLEEP 'Wait for next keypress
a$ = INKEY$
IF a$ = "" THEN a$ = CHR$(127)
note% = ASC(a$) * 2 'Scale the number for a wider freq. range
CALL wradlib(&HB0, &H11) 'Turn sound off
CALL wradlib(&HA0, note%) 'Setup the frequency of the note
CALL wradlib(&HB0, &H31) 'Turn on the sound
CALL wradlib(&HB0, &H11) 'Turn sound off
SUB rstlib
'This SUB sets all Adlib registers to zero
FOR t% = 1 TO &H8
CALL wradlib(t%, 0)
FOR t% = &H20 TO &H35
CALL wradlib(t%, 0)
FOR t% = &H40 TO &H55
CALL wradlib(t%, 0)
FOR t% = &H60 TO &H75
CALL wradlib(t%, 0)
FOR t% = &H80 TO &H95
CALL wradlib(t%, 0)
FOR t% = &HA0 TO &HA8
CALL wradlib(t%, 0)
FOR t% = &HB0 TO &HB8
CALL wradlib(t%, 0)
CALL wradlib(&HBD, 0)
FOR t% = &HC0 TO &HC8
CALL wradlib(t%, 0)
FOR t% = &HE0 TO &HF5
CALL wradlib(t%, 0)
SUB wradlib (address%, byte%)
'This SUB sends the data (byte%) to the subport specified by address%
'All subports are accessed via IO addresses &H388 and &H389
OUT &H388, address%
FOR t% = 1 TO 6
q% = INP(&H388) 'Delay to give Adlib time to process code
OUT &H389, byte%
FOR t% = 1 TO 35
q% = INP(&H388) 'Delay to give Adlib time to process code
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