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How to create a FULLSCREEN Flash HTML page

Step-by-step tutorial

How to create a FULLSCREEN Flash HTML page

by  davdesign  Posted    (Edited  )
Okay, after a several e-mail requests for a tutorial on how to create a fullscreen Flash HTML page here's my no-frills easy to follow version. Only 4 steps involved and as long as you know how to alter source code you should have no problems, basically everyone should be able to achieve this.........have fun.

[ul][li]Step 1[/li][/ul]

Put the following in a text editor and save as "main.html":

[color green][ignore]<HTML>
<HEAD><TITLE>davdesign fullscreen</TITLE></HEAD>
<FRAME NAME="top" SRC="linker.html" FRAMEBORDER="0" BORDER="0" >
<FRAME NAME="bottom" SRC="blank.html" FRAMEBORDER="0" BORDER="0" >

[ul][li]Step 2[/li][/ul]

Create your link button (or frame action) in a flash movie and publish as a page called "linker.html".
The link-button (or frame action) to your fullscreen page must have the action:
[color green][ignore]
Get URL ("bottom.html", window="bottom")
Insert the following code into the <HEAD> of "linker.html" AFTER you have published it:
[color green][ignore]
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var javascript_version = 1.0;</SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1"> javascript_version = 1.1;</SCRIPT>
var newwin;
function launchwin(winurl,winname,winfeatures)
newwin = window.open(winurl,winname,winfeatures);
if(javascript_version > 1.0)
var bversion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var bname = navigator.appName;
if(bname == "Netscape" && bversion == "4")

[ul][li]Step 3[/li][/ul]

Put the following in a text editor and save as "blank.html", change the BGCOLOR to suit "linker.html":

[color green][ignore]

[ul][li]Step 4[/li][/ul]

Put the following in a text editor and save as "bottom.html", change 'http://www.pinkzeppelin.com' to the
URL of the page you want to load fullscreen:

[color green][ignore]
'width='+(screen.width - 10)+',height='+(screen.height - 30)+',screenX=0,screenY=0,directories=0,fullscreen=1,location=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,toolbar=0')">
</HTML> [/ignore][/color]

[color green]REVISION A:[/color] I've just uploaded all of te required files to my server in zip format, including all html files and Flash fla's. A 'close window' button has been added, for an explanation of this see faq250-611 (step1). ok, the files and a sample for you to see are at:


WELL DONE!!! Wasn't so hard was it?

A: 29th April 2001 --- Close button added, files uploaded to server.
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