One of the things to be aware of when using Java in Notes is memory consumption. (Almost) All Notes java objects has a method called 'recycle()'. Use it!! Use this for 'garbage collecting' for Notes specific objects, and rather overdo it than not do it...
While LOOPING and selecting in e.g. documents from a view, the previous selected document will be kept in memory EVEN if overwritten/replaced with a new value. Why? I do not have a good explanation, but just accept that this is the way it is...(and save yourselves from memory exhaustion and other troubles...)
A good way of avoiding this is the following method, or variants over the same theme:
View view = null;// NotesView in LS
Document doc = null; //NotesDocument in LS
//Variables above initialized and 'not null'//
doc = view.getFirstDocument();
while (doc != null)
// Some action/statements on the main doc...
Document tmp = view.getNextDocument(doc);
if (doc != null) doc.recycle();
doc = tmp;
// tmp is not necessary to recycle, but I normally do that anyway just to be sure...
if (tmp != null) tmp.recycle();
// Finished with operation on view:
if (view != null) view.recycle();
// the 2 lines below is AGENT specific...
if (agentcontext != null) agentcontext.recycle();
if (session != null) session.recycle();
This method should keep your agent or other java code running more stabile and with less 'leakage' in memory. One of the most frustrating messages on a Domino console is 'JVM can not execute agent. Out of memory'...
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