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Insert form into database & Email it

Dreamweaver & Flash

Insert form into database & Email it

by  schase  Posted    (Edited  )
Ever want to know how to take a form that was just inserted into the database, and email the user with information? Well heres how with code for both Jmail & Cdonts. You can really find this all over Tek-Tips and elsewhere, but I've seen it a bunch posted right here - so here you go.

[color navy]
Insert the form into the database - redirect to page 2.
on page two create a recordset, order by ID descending.

then put the code right below the recordset. (pick which one works for you). Obviously you have to alter the below code to work for your items.

Good luck! ~Schase

Jmail Version
Dim strRecipient
Dim strCallsign
Dim strPassword
Dim strSquad
Dim strYahoo
Dim strICQ

strRecipient = Recordset1.Fields.Item("Email").Value
strCallsign = Recordset1.Fields.Item("callsign").Value
strPassword = Recordset1.Fields.Item("password").Value
strSquad = Recordset1.Fields.Item("squad").Value
strYahoo = Recordset1.Fields.Item("yahoo").Value
strICQ = Recordset1.Fields.Item("ICQ").Value
Set JMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail")

JMail.ServerAddress = "smtp.yourdomain.com"
JMail.ContentType = "text/html"
JMail.Sender = "Webmaster@yourdomain.com"
JMail.Subject = "De Domain Registration"
JMail.AddRecipient strRecipient
JMail.AddRecipient "webmaster@YourDomain.com"
JMail.Body = "<font face='arial' size ='3'>" &_
"IP Address - " & Request.Servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR") &_
"<BR>" &_
"Hello!" & strCallsign &_
"<br>" &_
"Email confirmation from De Site" &_
"<br>" &_
"Here are your registration details:" &_
"<br>" &_
"Callsign:" & strCallsign &_
"<br>" &_
"Password:" & strPassword &_
"<br>" &_
"Squad:" & strSquad &_
"<br>" &_
"Yahoo:" & strYahoo &_
"<br>" &_
"ICQ:" & strICQ &_
"<p>" &_
"Go to <a href='http://www.yourdomain.com'>De' Domain</a> to log in and get started..." &_
"<p>" &_
"We highly recommend changing your password through the edit my account link. At least to a password you will remember" &_
"<P>" &_
"<BR>" &_
"Please note - you will need to register in the messageboard area to post" &_
"<BR>" &_
"<BR>" &_
"Cheers," &_
"<br>" &_
"US!" &_
"<br>" &_
JMail.AddHeader "Originating-IP", Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
JMail.Priority = 1
Set Jmail = nothing

CDONTS Version
Dim strRecipient
Dim strCallsign
Dim strPassword
Dim strSquad
Dim strYahoo
Dim strICQ

strRecipient = Recordset1.Fields.Item("Email").Value
strCallsign = Recordset1.Fields.Item("callsign").Value
strPassword = Recordset1.Fields.Item("password").Value
strSquad = Recordset1.Fields.Item("squad").Value
strYahoo = Recordset1.Fields.Item("yahoo").Value
strICQ = Recordset1.Fields.Item("ICQ").Value
Set MyMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
MyMail.From = "Webmaster@yourdomain.com"
MyMail.Subject = "De' Registration"
MyMail.to = strRecipient
MyMail.CC = "webmaster@yourdetour.com"
MyMail.MailFormat = 0
MyMail.BodyFormat = 0
MyMail.Body = "<font face='arial' size ='3'>" &_
"IP Address - " & Request.Servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR") &_
"<BR>" &_
"Hello!" & strCallsign &_
"<br>" &_
"Email confirmation from here!" &_
"<br>" &_
"Here are your registration details:" &_
"<br>" &_
"Callsign:" & strCallsign &_
"<br>" &_
"Password:" & strPassword &_
"<br>" &_
"Squad:" & strSquad &_
"<br>" &_
"Yahoo:" & strYahoo &_
"<br>" &_
"ICQ:" & strICQ &_
"<p>" &_
"Go to <a href='http://www.yourdomain.com'>Tour De' GVFForce</a> to log in and get started..." &_
"<p>" &_
"We highly recommend changing your password through the edit my account link. At least to a password you will remember" &_
"<P>" &_
"<BR>" &_
"Please note - you will need to register in the messageboard area to post" &_
"<BR>" &_
"<BR>" &_
"Cheers," &_
"<br>" &_
"US!" &_
"<br>" &_
MyMail.importance = 1
Set MyMail = nothing
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