Many tutorials kinda neglect to mention this to any detail.
But at some point your going to come accross a 80040e14 error - Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
Reserved name fields.
heres a link for more info on Macromedia
Now you could spend lots of time trying to pick and place what words you can use - or get into a habit early and start a naming convention.
Here is what I do.
Any database's I start with db like dbChase
any database tables I start with tbl like tblUsers
any database table fields I start with fld like fldFirstName
any database queries I start with qry like qryUsers
In any form fields I start with txt like txtFirstName
any Sessions I start with sv like svFirstName
any Dim's I start with str like strFirstName
it takes a little to get used too - but once you do - its much much easier. look at below code I will write, see if you can spot where they are residing - and what they are.
[color navy]
Dim strFirstName
strFirstName = request.form("txtFirstName")
rsTemp = "SELECT * from tblUsers where fldUserName='" & strFirstName & " ORDER BY Session("svLastName") & " DESC"
not a complete recordset, but see where everything is?
I'm getting strFirstName by populating it from a form text field named txtFirstName,
my SQL Statement says to take every record from table Users where the username = the first name populated earlier into strFirstName - then order by last name.
Not only is it much easier to keep track of - you never run into reserved names again.
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