To download the NAI firmware to the ATMbook over a direct connection:
1. Establish a Hyper Terminal connection to the ATMbook as described in Configuring the DSS/RMON Pro Agent to Work With the ATMbook in Chapter 3, Configuring the ATMbook System.
2. At the ATMbook prompt (>>), type the shell command to go to the VxWorks shell.
3. You will be prompted to supply the admin password. The default admin password is adminpass (all lowercase).
4. After you enter the correct password, the ATMbook responds with " Starting shell..." Then, the VxWorks prompt (->) appears.
Type the following command to the VxWorks prompt to ensure that the ATMbook is in the proper state to receive the download of the firmware:
->rcv_flushChannelData (command)
value = 0 = 0x0 (response)
IMPORTANT: The ATMbook may not respond with the value=0=0x0 response the first time you issue this command. If it does not, repeat the command until you receive the value=0=0x0 response..
5. Use the following command to set up a temporary file system on the system. Note that the commands are case sensitive.
-> mkRam2Fs (command)
value = 0 = 0x0 (response)
6. From the PC, start a FTP session to the ATMbook using the commands shown below. Use the default admin and adminpass values for the username and password to connect to the ATMbook.
ftp (command)
admin (response to User: prompt)
adminpass (response to Password: prompt)
ftp> (command prompt)
7. From the FTP session, use the following commands to set the directory and copy the firmware file (tinker.fls) to the system using binary mode.
ftp> cd ram2: (change unitÆs directory)
ftp> lcd a:\ (change PC directory to A
ftp> bin (set binary mode)
ftp> put a:tinker.fls (send the file)
IMPORTANT: Type the colon after the cd ram2: command. Otherwise, the directory will not be changed and the download will fail.
8. Start the upgrade from Hyper Terminal. Use the following command (with the double quotes as shown):
-> netload "ram2:tinker.fls" (command)
You should see the following general response to this command. The section values listed may be different than those shown.
copying file ram2:tinker.fls to ram1:netload.fls
file is 782668 bytes long
netload will rewrite the following Flash sections:
.text c0000000-c009ce9f. Sections 7-11
.data c009cea0-c009ce9f. Section 11
.sec13 c00c0000-c00deb33. Section 13
.bss c009cea0-c009ce9f. Section 11
Erasing: 7 8 9 10 11 13
Erasing Flash. Are you sure? (Y/[N]):
9. Continue the upgrade by answering Yes to the Erasing Flash query. The upgrade will continue as follows:
Erasing Flash. Are you sure? (Y/[N]): Y Erasing Flash Section 7...
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