* ONLY use File>Place to bring graphics into PageMaker
When placing images in a PageMaker file, the following message appears:
ôThe graphic in the linked file would occupy xxxxxxx bytes in the publication. Include the complete copy in the publication anyway?ö
The correct answer to this question is always "NO".
* Do not Place graphics from a floppy, Zip disk, CD, or network drive. Copy the graphic file to your local hard drive, then Place.
* Use only TIF or EPS graphics (PSD and AI with PM7)
* Do NOT use JPEG, GIF, WMF, CGM, DXF, or any graphics format other than TIF or EPS
([link http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/2f05a.htm]Click here[/link] for the Adobe Knowledgebase article about the Limitations of Metafiles.)
* You can place PDFs as graphics - they are essentially handled as EPS by PageMaker
* Do NOT copy/paste graphics from other applications. The Windows clipboard will lose information required by PageMaker for high quality output.
* Do NOT use Insert Object or Paste Special
Object Linking and Embedding is highly problematic in the Postscript environment (e.g. creating PDFs), severely restricts portability (other applications have to be present) and is really only included in PageMaker to gain Microsoft approval as a Windows application. It has been dispensed with in newer applications, e.g. InDesign.
* Do not embed your graphics in PageMaker documents. Link only. (See the first bullet point)
* Save Illustrator or CorelDraw graphics as EPS for placing in PageMaker
* For best results with Illustrator EPS, convert all type to outlines, and save back to version 7.
* Save Photoshop graphics as TIF (the exception is duotones - save as EPS). Note: PM7 will import PSD directly.
* Size your Photoshop graphics in Photoshop - do not scale in PageMaker, or if you must, do NOT scale UP (stretch a TIF to make it larger) in PageMaker.
* Photoshop's preferences should be set to NOT embed profiles in grayscale images - they can cause problems in PageMaker
* PageMaker supports transparency in vector EPS or TIFs with clipping paths ONLY. GIFs will not retain transparency and shouldn't be used in PageMaker anyway.
* See also this page in the Adobe PageMaker Support Knowledgebase:
[link http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/2f0d6.htm]Recommended workflow for creating PageMaker publications[/link].
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