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How can I trap errors and write them to a log file?

Error Trapping

How can I trap errors and write them to a log file?

by  Michael42  Posted    (Edited  )
Global Variable:
mNL$ = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)

Sub mySub1()
On Error Goto err_mySub1
'Your Code for current sub or function

Exit Sub

Screen.MousePointer = DEFAULT
sLogError Error, Err

Select Case Err
Case 3021 'No Current Record
Resume Next
Case Else
mRetVal% = MsgBox("SubName999" & mNL & mNL & Error & mNL$ & mNL$ & "Error number: " & Str$(Err), MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Internal Error")
Resume Next
End Select

Sub sLogError (pErrMsg As String, pErrNumber As Long)
On Error Resume Next

'Write Error To Error Log
Dim mLogFile As Integer
mLogFile% = FreeFile
Open app.Path & "\Error.log" For Append As #mLogFile%
Print #mLogFile%, "<<<<<<<<<< " & Date$ & " - " & Time$ & " >>>>>>>>>>" & mNL
Print #mLogFile%, pErrMsg$ & mNL$ & mNL$ & "Error number: " & Str$(pErrNumber)
Close #mLogFile%

End Sub
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