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Using Parameters in ADO Stored Procedures


Using Parameters in ADO Stored Procedures

by  Norris68  Posted    (Edited  )
I have seen the same question about 3 times in a day, so here is a way of using parameters in stored procedures. The example has one input parameter and one output parameter and uses a stored procedure. Change the .CommandType to use it for queries. By the way, a Long variable is usually type adInteger.

Public Function GetCompanyName(InCID As Long) As String
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

Dim prmInput As ADODB.Parameter
Dim prmOutput As ADODB.Parameter
' Set up a command object for the stored procedure.
With cmd
    Set .ActiveConnection = Conn1 'Conn1 is previously defined & open
    .CommandText = "get_company_name_from_id"
    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    .CommandTimeout = 15
    Set prmInput = .CreateParameter("@cid", adInteger, adParamInput, , InCID)
    Set prmOutput = .CreateParameter("@cname", adVarWChar, adParamOutput, 255)
    .Parameters.Append prmInput
    .Parameters.Append prmOutput
    GetCompanyName = .Parameters(1).Value 'Zero-based array
End With
Set cmd = Nothing
End Function
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Part and Inventory Search
