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Converting Your Words to PDF file format...

File Conversions

Converting Your Words to PDF file format...

by  JasonLiew  Posted    (Edited  )
Firstly, you have to set the following references:
dim wordapp as new word.application

Private sub

name4file = "C:\temp\ABCE.doc"

DocChange name4file 'this is passing value into function

end sub

sub DocChange(filename as string)

wordapp.visible = false

with wordapp
.Documents.open filename

PDF 'open up another function to create pdf file

PDFSavG filename 'Save your pdf by opening another func

.Quit False
end with

set wordapp = nothing

end sub

sub PDF

wordapp.Run macroname:="AddOurMenuItem" wordapp.Runmacroname:="AdobePDFMaker.AutoExec.DoPrintWithLinks"

end sub

sub PDFSavG(name as string)

filecopy name, "C:\ABCD.doc"

end sub

Thats all for the program. Try it out. If you can't fix it in 20, ask for someone who can. see ya.

Nick in forum: JasonLiew
email: c0ol82@hotmail.com
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