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Using JavaScript And DOM to Sort a Table

Document Object Model (DOM)

Using JavaScript And DOM to Sort a Table

by  mwolf00  Posted    (Edited  )
Occasionally people ask how to sort a table using JavaScript. The following code allows the user to sort a table regardless of the datatype (Date, number, or text).

var allNums = false; // boolean variable to see if whole column is numeric
var allDates = false; // boolean variable to see if column vals are all dates
var lastSort = -1; // variable to hold last column number sorted
var absOrder = true; // boolean to sort in reverse if on same column
function setDataType(inValue) {
// This function checks data type of a value
// - sets allNums to false if a non-number is found
// - sets allDates to false if a non-date is found
var isDate = new Date(inValue);
if (isDate == "NaN") {
if (isNaN(inValue)){
// The value is a string, make all characters in
// String upper case to assure proper a-z sort
inValue = inValue.toUpperCase();
allNums = false
allDates = false
return inValue;
else {
// Value is a number, make sure it is not treated as a string
allDates = false
return parseFloat(1*inValue);
else {
// Value to sort is a date
allNums = false
return inValue ;
function sortTable(col){
if (lastSort == col){
// sorting on same column twice = reverse sort order
absOrder ? absOrder = false : absOrder = true
absOrder = true
lastSort = col
allTR = document.getElementById("dataTable").childNodes[0].childNodes
// allTR now holds all the rows in the dataTable
totalRows = allTR.length
colToSort = new Array() //holds all the cells in the column to sort
colArr = new Array() //holds all the rows that correspond to the sort cell
copyArr = new Array() //holds an original copy of the sort data to match to colArr
resultArr = new Array() //holds the output

allNums = true
allDates = true

//store the original data
//remember that the first row - [0] - has column headings
//so start with the second row - [1]
//and load the contents of the cell into the array that will be sorted
for (x=1; x < totalRows; x++){
colToSort[x-1] = setDataType(allTR[x].childNodes[col].innerText)
colArr[x-1] = allTR[x]
//make a copy of the original
for (x=0; x<colToSort.length; x++){
copyArr[x] = colToSort[x]

//sort the original data based on data type
if (allNums){
else if (allDates){

//match copy to sorted
for(x=0; x<colToSort.length; x++){
for(y=0; y<copyArr.length; y++){
if (colToSort[x] == copyArr[y]){
boolListed = false
//searcg the ouput array to make sure not to use duplicate rows
for(z=0; z<resultArr.length; z++){
if (resultArr[z]==y){
boolListed = true
if (!boolListed){
resultArr[x] = y
//now display the results - it is as simple as swapping rows
for (x=0; x<resultArr.length; x++){
function numberOrder(a,b){
absOrder ? rVal = b - a : rVal = a - b
return rVal
function dateOrder(a,b){
absOrder ? rVal = Date.parse(a) - Date.parse(b) : rVal = Date.parse(b) - Date.parse(a)
return rVal
function textOrder(a,b){
if (a.toString() < b.toString()){
absOrder ? rVal = -1 : rVal = 1
absOrder ? rVal = 1 : rVal = -1
return rVal

<table id="dataTable" border=1 cellspacing=0>
<th><a href="javascript: sortTable(0)">Data Field</a></th>
<th><a href="javascript: sortTable(1)">Number Field</a></th>
<th><a href="javascript: sortTable(2)">Date Field</a></th>
<th><a href="javascript: sortTable(3)">Mixed Field</a></th>
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