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How do I change the scrollbar color?

Changing the default icon

How do I change the scrollbar color?

by  RISTMO  Posted    (Edited  )
Here are all the attributes that can be changed for a scrollbar.
<style type="text/css">
scrollbar-face-color:#FFFFFF;/*this is the color of the "face"--the main color of the scrollbar itself and the arrow buttons*/
scrollbar-track-color:#FFFFFF;/*this is the color of the "track" that the scrollbar rides on (underneath the scrollbar)*/
scrollbar-arrow-color:silver;/*this is the arrow color*/
scrollbar-shadow-color:#FFFFFF;/*this is the inner bottom/right border color*/
scrollbar-darkshadow-Color:black;/*this is the outer bottom/right border color*/
scrollbar-highlight-color:#FFFFFF;/*this is the inner top/left border color*/
scrollbar-3dlight-color:#FFFFFF;/*this is the outer top/left border color*/

Rick Morgan
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