Serial communication on Win32 platforms involves the following functions/structures:
COMMTIMEOUTS - for setting up your, you guessed it, time outs for reads and writes
DCB - structure containing all the communications options for your port
CreateFile() - creates a file for I/O
WriteFile() - writes data to the port
ReadFile() - reads data from the port
GetCommState() - retrieves information (using a DCB) about the port
SetCommState() - sets port options (again with a DCB)
GetCommTimeouts() - uses COMMTIMEOUTS to retrieve timeout information
SetCommTimeouts() - sets timeout options via a COMMTIMEOUTS structure
And now some examples of using these functions (this is from a class I wrote):
SerialConnection::SerialConnection(string port_name, BaudRate baud, Parity parity, DataBits data_bits, StopBits stop_bits)
old_dcb = new DCB; //Pointers for Get/SetCommState
new_dcb = new DCB;
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