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How to disable the "X" in a Word application

API Functions

How to disable the "X" in a Word application

by  Mike Gagnon  Posted    (Edited  )
oword = CREATEOBJECT("word.application")
oword.visible = .t.
Declare Integer FindWindow In user32;
 STRING lpClassName, String lpWindowName
Declare Integer GetSystemMenu In user32 Integer HWnd, Integer bRevert
Declare Integer RemoveMenu In user32 Integer hMenu ,Integer nPosition,Integer wFlags
#Define  MF_BYPOSITION 1024
HWnd = FindWindow("OPUSApp", 0)
hMnu = GetSystemMenu(HWnd, 0)
For I = 6 To 0 Step -1
 Y = RemoveMenu(hMnu, I, MF_BYPOSITION)
Next I
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