The INSERT command was the native xBase language predecessor of the INSERT - SQL command and has one major advantage - it allows you to insert a new record anywhere in a table.
Modern processors largely overcome the performance problem associated with such a feature, but even so the use of the command needs careful consideration by the developer.
No longer documented but still available, the syntax of the [color blue]INSERT[/color] command is:-
[color blue]
[color blue]
INSERT[/color] places a new record into the current table immediately after the current record and displays the new record for editing.
If [color blue]CARRY[/color] is [color blue]SET ON[/color] and [color blue]BLANK[/color] isn't included, data in the previous record is automatically copied into the new record.
Note - if the file is indexed, [color blue]INSERT[/color] works like [color blue]APPEND[/color].
Clause [color blue]BEFORE[/color]
[tab]Issuing [color blue]INSERT BEFORE[/color] inserts a new record into the current table immediately before the current record. The record is then displayed for editing. Data can only be entered into the new record.
Clause [color blue]BLANK[/color]
[tab]Issuing [color blue]INSERT BLANK[/color] inserts a new record into the current table immediately after the current record. An editing window is not displayed.
[tab]Issuing [color blue]INSERT BLANK BEFORE[/color] inserts a new record into the current table immediately before the current record. An editing window is not displayed.
Note - [color blue]INSERT[/color] is not recommended for use with large tables because an insertion near the front of the table forces the rewriting of nearly every record.
It' s also important to note that the [color blue]RECNO()[/color] order changes after each record insertion.
So if you [color blue]GO TOP[/color] and [color blue]INSERT BLANK BEFORE[/color], the [color blue]RECN()[/color] of that new record becomes 1, and what was previously 1 now becomes 2, etc.
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