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Print screen function.

API Functions

Print screen function.

by  Mike Gagnon  Posted    (Edited  )
This could be used to do a screen dump, when an error occurs, and print it, to send to the IT department for debugging.
[ol][li]In your main program add the line:
SET PROCEDURE TO prtscreen additive
ON KEY LABEL ALT+P do prtscreen[/li]
[li]Create a program (and call it prtscreen) and put the following code in it :[/li][/ol]
Do lesdeclarations

Private hMemDC, hMemBmp, lnWidth, lnHeight, lnBitsPerPixel,;
	lnBytesPerScan, lcBFileHdr, lcBIHdr, lpBitsArray, lnBitsSize,;
	lcRgbQuad, lnRgbQuadSize, lcBInfo, lnFileSize

Store "" To lcBIHdr, lcBInfo, lcRgbQuad
Store 0 To hMemDC, hMemBmp, lnWidth, lnHeight, lnFileSize,;
	lnBitsPerPixel, lnBytesPerScan, lnRgbQuadSize, lpBitsArray, lnBitsSize

= MakeSnapshot()
= InitBitmapInfo()
= InitBitsArray()

#Define DIB_RGB_COLORS   0
= GetDIBits (hMemDC, hMemBmp, 0, lnHeight, lpBitsArray,;

Local lcFilename
lcFilename = "c:\Temp\myfile.bmp"  && Le dossier Temp doit exister

If bmp2file (lcFilename)
&& An Alternative might be to view the bitmap using:
&& ShellExecute(0,"Open","c:\Temp\myfile.bmp","","",1)

= GlobalFree (lpBitsArray)
= DeleteObject (hMemBmp)
= DeleteDC (hMemDC)
Return  && principal

Procedure  InitBitmapInfo()
#Define BI_RGB  0
#Define RGBQUAD_SIZE     4  && RGBQUAD

* forcer le format 24 bit
lnBitsPerPixel = 24
lnBytesPerScan = lnWidth * 3

* Largeur de la ligne devait Otre DWORD-alignT (4 bytes) 
*Important pour les palettes de couleur 16 et 24 bits
If Mod(lnBytesPerScan, 4) <> 0
	lnBytesPerScan = lnBytesPerScan + 4 - Mod(lnBytesPerScan, 4)

* initialiser la structure BitmapInfoHeader 
lcBIHdr = num2dword(BHDR_SIZE) + num2dword(lnWidth) +;
	num2dword(lnHeight) + num2word(1) + num2word(lnBitsPerPixel) +;
	num2dword(BI_RGB) + num2dword(0) + num2dword(0) + num2dword(0) +;
	num2dword(0) + num2dword(0)

* crTer un buffer pour la table de couleur
If lnBitsPerPixel <= 8
	lnRgbQuadSize = (2^lnBitsPerPixel) * RGBQUAD_SIZE
	lcRgbQuad = Repli(Chr(0), lnRgbQuadSize)
	lnRgbQuadSize = 0
	lcRgbQuad = ""

* amener les deux portions ensemble
lcBInfo = lcBIHdr + lcRgbQuad

Procedure  InitBitsArray()
#Define GMEM_FIXED   0
lnBitsSize = lnHeight * lnBytesPerScan
lpBitsArray = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_FIXED, lnBitsSize)
= ZeroMemory (lpBitsArray, lnBitsSize)

Function  bmp2file (lcTargetFile)
* enrigister tous les composants sur disque
#Define GENERIC_WRITE          1073741824  && 0x40000000
#Define FILE_SHARE_WRITE                2
#Define CREATE_ALWAYS                   2
#Define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL         128
#Define INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE           -1

Local hFile, lnOffBits

* dimension du bitmap 
lnFileSize = BFHDR_SIZE + BHDR_SIZE + lnRgbQuadSize + lnBitsSize

* offset du bitmap bits
lnOffBits = BFHDR_SIZE + BHDR_SIZE + lnRgbQuadSize

* Entete du bitmap 
lcBFileHdr = "BM" + num2dword(lnFileSize) +;
	num2dword(0) + num2dword(lnOffBits)

* le handle du fichier destination
hFile = CreateFile (lcTargetFile,;

* Un procTdT pour stocker block apres block

	= String2File (hFile, @lcBFileHdr)           && BitmapFileHeader
	= String2File (hFile, @lcBInfo)              && BitmapInfo
	= Ptr2File (hFile, lpBitsArray, lnBitsSize)  && bitmap data
	= CloseHandle (hFile)
	Return .T.
	Return .F.

Procedure  String2File (hFile, lcBuffer)
* Amender la filiFre avec le buffer
Declare Integer WriteFile In kernel32;
	INTEGER hFile, String @lpBuffer, Integer nBt2Write,;
	INTEGER @lpBtWritten, Integer lpOverlapped

= WriteFile (hFile, @lcBuffer, Len(lcBuffer), 0, 0)

Procedure  Ptr2File (hFile, lnPointer, lnBt2Write)
* Amender le block de mTmoire a la filiFre

Declare Integer WriteFile In kernel32;
	INTEGER hFile, Integer lpBuffer, Integer nBt2Write,;
	INTEGER @lpBtWritten, Integer lpOverlapped

= WriteFile (hFile, lnPointer, lnBt2Write, 0, 0)

Procedure  MakeSnapshot()
#Define SRCCOPY        13369376
Local HWnd, hdc, hSavedBitmap

HWnd = GetFocus()
hdc = GetWindowDC(HWnd)
= GetWinRect(HWnd, @lnWidth, @lnHeight)

hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc)
hMemBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap (hdc, lnWidth, lnHeight)

hSavedBitmap = SelectObject (hMemDC, hMemBmp)
= BitBlt (hMemDC, 0,0, lnWidth,lnHeight, hdc, 0,0, SRCCOPY)
= SelectObject (hMemDC, hSavedBitmap)
= ReleaseDC (HWnd, hdc)

Procedure  GetWinRect(HWnd, lnWidth, lnHeight)
#Define MAX_DWORD  4294967295  && 0xffffffff
Local lpRect, lnLeft, lnTop, lnRight, lnBottom
lpRect = Repli(Chr(0), 16)
= GetWindowRect (HWnd, @lpRect)

lnLeft   = buf2dword(Substr(lpRect,  1,4))
lnTop    = buf2dword(Substr(lpRect,  5,4))
lnRight  = buf2dword(Substr(lpRect,  9,4))
lnBottom = buf2dword(Substr(lpRect, 13,4))

If lnLeft > lnRight
	lnLeft = lnLeft - MAX_DWORD
If lnTop > lnBottom
	lnTop = lnTop - MAX_DWORD

lnWidth  = lnRight - lnLeft
lnHeight = lnBottom - lnTop

Function  num2dword (lnValue)
#Define m0       256
#Define m1     65536
#Define m2  16777216
Local b0, b1, b2, b3
b3 = Int(lnValue/m2)
b2 = Int((lnValue - b3*m2)/m1)
b1 = Int((lnValue - b3*m2 - b2*m1)/m0)
b0 = Mod(lnValue, m0)
Return Chr(b0)+Chr(b1)+Chr(b2)+Chr(b3)

Function  num2word (lnValue)
Return Chr(Mod(m.lnValue,256)) + Chr(Int(m.lnValue/256))

Function  buf2dword (lcBuffer)
Return Asc(Substr(lcBuffer, 1,1)) + ;
	Asc(Substr(lcBuffer, 2,1)) * 256 +;
	Asc(Substr(lcBuffer, 3,1)) * 65536 +;
	Asc(Substr(lcBuffer, 4,1)) * 16777216

Function  buf2word (lcBuffer)
Return Asc(Substr(lcBuffer, 1,1)) + ;
	Asc(Substr(lcBuffer, 2,1)) * 256

Procedure  lesdeclarations
Declare Integer GetDIBits In gdi32;
	INTEGER hdc, Integer hbmp, Integer uStartScan,;
	INTEGER cScanLines, Integer lpvBits, String @lpbi,;

Declare Integer GlobalAlloc In kernel32 Integer wFlags, Integer dwBytes
Declare Integer GetWindowRect In user32 Integer HWnd, String @lpRect
Declare Integer SelectObject In gdi32 Integer hdc, Integer hObject
Declare Integer ReleaseDC In user32 Integer HWnd, Integer hdc
Declare Integer DeleteDC In gdi32 Integer hdc
Declare Integer GetFocus In user32
Declare Integer GetWindowDC In user32 Integer HWnd
Declare Integer GlobalFree In kernel32 Integer Hmem
Declare Integer DeleteObject In gdi32 Integer hObject
Declare Integer CreateCompatibleDC In gdi32 Integer hdc
Declare Integer CloseHandle In kernel32 Integer hObject

Declare RtlZeroMemory In kernel32 As ZeroMemory;
	INTEGER Dest, Integer numBytes

Declare Integer CreateCompatibleBitmap In gdi32;
	INTEGER hdc, Integer nWidth, Integer nHeight

Declare Integer BitBlt In gdi32;
	INTEGER hDestDC, Integer x, Integer Y,;
	INTEGER nWidth, Integer nHeight, Integer hSrcDC,;
	INTEGER xSrc, Integer ySrc, Integer dwRop

Declare Integer CreateFile In kernel32;
	STRING lpFileName, Integer dwDesiredAccess,;
	INTEGER dwShareMode, Integer lpSecurityAttr,;
	INTEGER dwCreationDisp, Integer dwFlagsAndAttrs,;
	INTEGER hTemplateFile
Declare Integer ShellExecute In shell32;
	STRING  lpOperation,;
	STRING  lpFile,;
	STRING  lpParameters,;
	STRING  lpDirectory,;

Mike Gagnon

P.S. Some of the code can be found at http://www.news2news.com

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