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Bypassing Low Level File Functions 2GB Limits

Usefull Functions & Procedures

Bypassing Low Level File Functions 2GB Limits

by  baltman  Posted    (Edited  )
FOPEN/FCREATE etc. commands have 2 GB file size limitaions whereas they become blind and behave as if eof()=.t., even when it is not.

Basically equivelent code using File Scripting does not have this limitation.

There is definitely a time penalty vs. fopen/fcreate, but of course, that point is moot when you are trying to pull some info out of a >2 GB file.

The below code was used to write a 3 GB file, and was also tested vs. an fcreate on a smaller file and yielded identical results.


fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
ExistingFile= fso_OpenTextFile("INPUT.TXT", 1,.f.)
NewFile = fso.CreateTextFile("OUTPUT.TXT", .t.)
DO While ExistingFile.AtEndOfStream=.f.
LcString=SUBSTR(LcString,2,200)+SUBSTR(LcString,202,209) &&parsing seems faster here vs. in the WriteLine
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