PROCEDURE grid1.MouseMove
LPARAMETERS nButton, nShift, nXCoord, nYCoord
Local lnWhere, lnRelRow, lnRelCol, lnX, lcColumn
Store 0 to lnWhere, lnRelRow, lnRelCol
This.GridHitTest(nXCoord, nYCoord, @lnWhere, @lnRelRow, @lnRelCol)
With ThisForm
If .lEditMode
This.ToolTipText = '
If ((lnRelRow != .nrow) or (lnRelCol != .ncol) or ;
empty(.ctooltip)) and (lnWhere == 3) and ;
between(lnRelCol, 1, This.ColumnCount)
.nrow = lnRelRow
.ncol = lnRelCol
.LockScreen = .T.
This.ActivateCell(lnRelRow, lnRelCol)
Go recno()
.nrec = recno()
Do case
Case (lnRelCol == 1)
.ctooltip = ' ' + alltrim(UserName) + ' '
Case between(lnRelCol, 2, 3)
.ctooltip = ' ' + alltrim(Prod_Info) + ' '
This.Columns[lnRelCol].Text1.ToolTipText = .ctooltip
.LockScreen = .F.
If ((lnRelRow != .nrow2) or (lnRelCol != .ncol2)) and ;
(lnWhere = 3) and between(lnRelCol, 1, This.ColumnCount)
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