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Week Of Month, First Day & NextSunday functions

Usefull Functions & Procedures

Week Of Month, First Day & NextSunday functions

by  GriffMG  Posted    (Edited  )
** simple functions for WeekOfMonth
** This bit helps you test it!

set date british
m.date = date()
do while lastkey() <> 27
@ 10,10 say "Date" get m.date
clear gets
@ 11,10 say FirstDay(m.date)
@ 12,10 say NextSunDay(FirstDay(m.date))
@ 13,10 say WeekOfMonth(m.date)

** this is the actual function
function WeekOfMonth
parameter m.date
private m.date,i,m.factor
** the week is...
** first get the day of the first sunday in the month
** by getting the first day, and then getting the next Sunday
** after that
i = Day(NextSunDay(FirstDay(m.date)))
** if the day isn't before that first sunday....
if Day(m.date) > i
if i > 1
m.factor = 2
m.factor = 1
** calculate the differnce between the days (of your date and the
** first sunday) divide that by the number of days in a week
** (taking just the integer bit) and add the week factor - because
** the first week has been excluded by the if, and we want the
** balance to start at 2 for weeks after that
i = int((Day(m.date)-i)/7)+m.factor
i = 1

** this always gives you the first day of any month
function FirstDay
parameter m.date
private m.date
m.date = m.date - Day(m.date) + 1

** this returns the next Sunday...
function NextSunDay
parameter m.date
private m.date,i
i = 8 - dow(m.date) && 1=Sunday
if i < 7
m.date = m.date + i

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