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How long the system is running since last boot

API Functions

How long the system is running since last boot

by  AirCon  Posted    (Edited  )
This function will determine how long the system has been running since the last time we start up (boot) the system.

Notes: the return value is DWORD (32bit unsigned long). So it will wrap around (reset) to zero if the system run continuously for 49.7 days.


[color blue]
[color green]*** Example[/color]
#Define CR chr(13)

Local lcOldEscape
Local lnDays, lnHours, lnMinutes, lnSeconds

lcOldEscape = set('escape')
Set escape off
Set decimals to 3
Do while (lastkey() != 27)
GetSystemElapsedTime(@lnDays, @lnHours, @lnMinutes, @lnSeconds)
Wait 'Windows has been running for: ' + CR + CR + ;
alltrim(transform(lnDays, '99 days')) + CR + ;
alltrim(transform(lnHours, '99 hours')) + ', ' + ;
alltrim(transform(lnMinutes, '99 minutes')) + ', ' + ;
alltrim(transform(lnSeconds, '99.999 seconds')) + CR + CR + ;
'Press ESC to close...' window nowait noclear
= inkey(0.1, 'HM')
Set decimals to
Set escape &lcOldEscape
Wait clear
** Clear Dlls GetTickCount

[color green]*** The function[/color]
Procedure GetSystemElapsedTime(tnDays, tnHours, tnMinutes, tnSeconds)
Local lnTick

Declare Long GetTickCount in Kernel32

lnTick = GetTickCount()
tnHours = int(lnTick / 3600000)
If (tnHours > 23)
tnDays = int(tnHours/24)
tnHours = mod(tnHours, 24)
tnDays = 0
lnTick = mod(lnTick, 3600000)
tnMinutes = int(lnTick / 60000)
tnSeconds = Mod(lnTick, 60000) / 1000
[color green]*****************
*** End function
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