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Run VBScript or JavaScript in VFP


Run VBScript or JavaScript in VFP

by  craigsboyd  Posted    (Edited  )
Slighthaze = [color blue]NULL[/color]

[img http://www.sweetpotatosoftware.com/ttimages/vfpscript.gif]

Using the Microsoft Script Control we can facilitate running VBScript or JavaScript from VFP. This allow us to extend VFP or even provide a script language to our applications' users. Cut-n-paste the code below into a prg file and run it from within VFP.

oForm = CREATEOBJECT("clsscriptform")

DEFINE CLASS clsscriptform AS form
    Autocenter = .T.
    Top = 0
    Left = 0
    Height = 512
    Width = 443
    DoCreate = .T.
    Name = "Form1"

    ADD OBJECT shape1 AS shape WITH ;
        Top = 376, ;
        Left = 65, ;
        Height = 113, ;
        Width = 313, ;
        BackStyle = 0, ;
        SpecialEffect = 0, ;
        Name = "Shape1"

    ADD OBJECT text1 AS textbox WITH ;
        Height = 23, ;
        Left = 76, ;
        Top = 393, ;
        Width = 288, ;
        Name = "Text1"

    ADD OBJECT command1 AS commandbutton WITH ;
        Top = 292, ;
        Left = 30, ;
        Height = 27, ;
        Width = 84, ;
        Caption = "Execute", ;
        Name = "Command1"

    ADD OBJECT edit1 AS editbox WITH ;
        Height = 199, ;
        Left = 29, ;
        Top = 81, ;
        Width = 385, ;
        Name = "Edit1"

    ADD OBJECT optiongroup1 AS optiongroup WITH ;
        ButtonCount = 2, ;
        Value = 1, ;
        Height = 26, ;
        Left = 29, ;
        Top = 25, ;
        Width = 200, ;
        Name = "Optiongroup1", ;
        Option1.Caption = "VBScript", ;
        Option1.Value = 1, ;
        Option1.Height = 17, ;
        Option1.Left = 5, ;
        Option1.Top = 5, ;
        Option1.Width = 100, ;
        Option1.Name = "Option1", ;
        Option2.Caption = "JavaScript", ;
        Option2.Height = 17, ;
        Option2.Left = 105, ;
        Option2.Top = 5, ;
        Option2.Width = 100, ;
        Option2.Name = "Option2"

    ADD OBJECT optiongroup2 AS optiongroup WITH ;
        ButtonCount = 2, ;
        Value = 1, ;
        Height = 46, ;
        Left = 76, ;
        Top = 429, ;
        Width = 144, ;
        Name = "Optiongroup2", ;
        Option1.Caption = "Option1", ;
        Option1.Value = 1, ;
        Option1.Height = 17, ;
        Option1.Left = 5, ;
        Option1.Top = 5, ;
        Option1.Width = 61, ;
        Option1.Name = "Option1", ;
        Option2.Caption = "Option2", ;
        Option2.Height = 17, ;
        Option2.Left = 5, ;
        Option2.Top = 24, ;
        Option2.Width = 61, ;
        Option2.Name = "Option2"

    ADD OBJECT command2 AS commandbutton WITH ;
        Top = 429, ;
        Left = 256, ;
        Height = 27, ;
        Width = 84, ;
        Caption = "Command2", ;
        Name = "Command2"

    ADD OBJECT label1 AS label WITH ;
        AutoSize = .T., ;
        BackStyle = 0, ;
        Caption = ['"MyForm" references Thisform'], ;
        Height = 17, ;
        Left = 255, ;
        Top = 297, ;
        Width = 167, ;
        Name = "Label1"

    ADD OBJECT label3 AS label WITH ;
        AutoSize = .T., ;
        BackStyle = 0, ;
        Caption = "Some controls to mess with through VBScript", ;
        Height = 17, ;
        Left = 64, ;
        Top = 357, ;
        Width = 249, ;
        Name = "Label3"

    ADD OBJECT label2 AS label WITH ;
        AutoSize = .T., ;
        BackStyle = 0, ;
        Caption = "Write your VBScript below and click Execute", ;
        Height = 17, ;
        Left = 29, ;
        Top = 57, ;
        Width = 238, ;
        Name = "Label2"

		MESSAGEBOX("Some sample script is provided for you.  Just click execute to see how it works." + CHR(13) +;
				"Then write your own script.  You can change to JavaScript as well.",64,"HOW TO GET STARTED")      

    PROCEDURE command1.Click
        Local loScript
        loScript = Createobject([MSScriptcontrol.scriptcontrol.1])
        IF thisform.optiongroup1.value = 1
        	loScript.Language = [VBScript]
        	loScript.Language = [JavaScript]
        loscript.addobject("MyForm", thisform)
    PROCEDURE optiongroup1.Interactivechange
    	IF this.value = 1
    		thisform.label2.caption = "Write your VBScript below and click Execute"
    		thisform.label3.caption = "Some controls to mess with through VBScript"
	        thisform.edit1.Value = [MsgBox ("I am about to change the controls below through VBScript")] + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
                                [MyForm.Text1.value = "Hello VBScript World!"]+ CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
                                [MyForm.Optiongroup2.value = 2]+ CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
                                [MyForm.Optiongroup2.option1.Caption = "Male"]+ CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
                                [MyForm.Optiongroup2.option2.Caption = "Female"]+ CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
                                [MyForm.Command2.caption = "Testing"]+ CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
                                [MsgBox ("Now write your own VBScript in the Editbox provided")]
    		thisform.label2.caption = "Write your JavaScript below and click Execute"
    		thisform.label3.caption = "Some controls to mess with through JavaScript"
	        thisform.edit1.Value = [var name = "Hello JavaScript World!";] + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
                                [var x = 6;] + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
                                [var y = 12;] + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
                                [var z = y / x;] + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
                                [MyForm.text1.value = name;] + CHR(13) + CHR(10) + ;
                                [MyForm.optiongroup2.value = z;]

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